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单词 dispatch


1. settlement,management处理,办理。
△Tw.4.3.18:“Take and give back affairs. and their dispatch,”i.e.take a business in hand and discharge it. 接过事务,给以指示,进行处理。
△Mac.1.5.68 (67): “and you shallput / This night’s great business into my dispatch,”i.e.under my direction. 今夜的大事交给我去处理。
2. hurried disposal急速处理。
△H.VIII.5.1.15: “thebusiness / That seeks dispatch by day.”在白天急急办理的事情。
3. haste急速。
△H.V.2.4.6:“And you,Prince Dau-phin,with all swift dispatch,/ To line and new repairour towns of war”,还有你,王太子,也要火速出发,去增援前方,重新整修那些战略重镇的防务。
4. act of putting away hastily,quick putting-away急速收起,快快收起。
△Lr.1.2.33 (32):“What needed thenthat terrible dispatch of it into your pocket?”那么,你何必慌慌张张把它塞进口袋里呢?
5. dismissal,ending away 打发走,送走。
△Lr.2.1.126(124): “the several messengers / From hence attenddispatch.”i.e. the separate messengers(Kent and Os-wald) are waiting to be sent away from here. 双方的信使正等着把他们打发走呢。
6. sending away; speed送走;(又解)迅速。
△Oth.1.3.46: “Write from us to him. post-post-haste. dis-patch.”替我写一封信给他,十万火急,快快送去。
7. decisive,final answer正式答复,最后答复。
△L.L.L.4.1.5: “Well,lords,today we shall have our dis-patch.”好,各位贤乡,今天我们就会得到答复了。


1. send away,dismiss送走,把…打发走。
△H.V.2.4.141:“Dispatch us with all speed,lest that our King /Come here himself to question our delay;”尽快打发我们走吧,要不然我们的国王就要亲自来过问我们为什么迟延了。
2. send 派遣。
△Ham.1.2.33: “and we heredispatch / You,good Cornelius,and you,Voltemand,/ For bearers of this greeting to old Nor-way,”现在朕派遣你,考尼律斯,还有你,伏提曼德,做给挪威老王送信的使者。
3. carry out,execute,perform进行,执行,履行。
△R.III.1.3.341 (340): “Are you now going to dispatch thisthing?”你们现在就去干这件事吗?
△R.III.4.2.81 (82):“I will dispatch it straight.”我立刻去办这件事。
4. finish,conclude完成,办完。
△Wiv.5.3.3: “dis-patch it quickly.” 快快把这事办完。
△Wiv.5.5.195(178):“have you dispatched?”把事情办完了吗?
△ShrInd.1.129: “See this dispatched with all the hastethou canst”,你们要尽快把这件事办好。
△2H.VI.3.2.6:“Now,sirs,have you dispatched this thing?”喂,各位,那件事办完了吗?
5. finish,wind up结束。
△Lr.4.5.11: “Edmund,Ithink,is gone. / In pity of his(i.e. Gloucester’s) mis-ery,to dispatch / His nighted life;”爱德蒙,我想,是因为怜悯他的苦难,而去结束他那暗无天日的生命的。
6. put to death处死。
△Lr.2.1.60 (58): “And found—dispatch.”一旦找到——立即处死。
△2H.VI.3.2.1: “Run to my Lord of Suffolk; let him know / We havedispatched the Duke,as he commanded.”快跑到萨福克大人那里,让他知道我们已经照他的命令把公爵结果掉了。
7. make away with,get rid of,kill消灭掉,除掉,杀死。
△Rom.5.1.78: “and if you had the strength / Oftwenty men,it would dispatch you straight.”即使你有二十个人的力气,它也会立刻要了你的命。
△Mac.3.4.15:“Is he dispatched?” 把他结果了?
△3H.VI.5.5.69:“Nay,never bear me hence; dispatch me here;”不,不要把我带走;在这里把我杀掉算了。
8. prepare,make ready预备,准备好。
△1H.VI.1.1.72: “And,whilst a field should be dispatched andfought.”当一场战斗应该准备好并且打起来的时候。
9. make ready at once; have drawn up立即准备好;拟好。
△Ham.3.3.3: “I your commission will forthwithdispatch,”我马上就给你们发下委任状。
10. dispose of,i.e. marry处理掉,(指)使…成婚。
△As.3.3.68 (65):“Will you dispatch us here under this tree,or shall we go with you to your chapel?”可否请你就在这树下给我们成婚(又译:把事情办了),还是让我们跟您到您的教堂去呢?
11. deprive剥夺。
△Ham.1.5.75:“Of life,of crown,of queen,at once dispatched,”生命,王冠,王后,一下子全都被剥夺了。


1. make haste,hurry up,be quick赶紧,赶快,快一点
△Gent.5.2.48: “Dispatch,sweet gentlemen,and follow me.”赶快,先生们,随我来。
△Com.4.1.52:“The hour steals on,I pray you,sir,dispatch.”时间不知不觉地过去,我请你,先生,快一点吧。
△Mid.4.1.114(108):“Dispatch,I say,and find the forester.”我说。快去把林务官叫来。
△Oth.4.2.29 (30): “nay,dis-patch.”不,赶快。
△Mac.5.3.50: “Come,sir,dis-patch.”来,快一点。
△2H.IV.2.4.14(13):“Dispatch.The room where they supped is too hot,they’ll comein straight.”赶紧吧。他们吃饭的那间屋子太热,他们很快就要来了。
△2H.IV.5.5.4(3):“’Twill be two o’clock erethey come from the coronation. Dispatch,dispatch!”一到两点钟他们就要加冕完毕出来了。赶快吧,赶快吧。
△2H.VI.2.3.95 (91): “Dispatch! This knave’stongue begins to double.”快点! 这个混蛋话都说不清了。
△R.III.3.3.7(8):“Dispatch,the limit of your livesis out.”快点,你们生命的大限已经到头了。
2. act quickly迅速行动。
△R.III.1.2.182 (181):“Nay,now dispatch,’twas I that stabbed young Edward,”别迟疑,快动手,是我刺死了年轻的爱德华。
△R.III.1.3.355(354):“Go,go dispatch.”去,快去干吧。
3. hasten away赶紧离开。
dispatch we: let us hasten away,let us set out让我们赶紧离开,让我们动身。
△2H.IV.4.3.82(76):“And nowdispatch we toward the court,my lords.”现在,诸位大人,让我们赶快到宫廷去。
4. hurry; dismiss赶紧;(又解)解散。
△Oth.4.3.33:“Prithee dispatch.”请你快些。(又译:请你快走吧。)


v.& n.发送,派遣,传递,分派,速办,迅速处理,信件,公文急件(报),快信,快件
◇ dispatch from从…拍来急电
do sth. with dispatch从快处理
with dispatch迅速而有效地,快速
‖ despatch advice陆运发货通知
dispatch boat (vessel)通信船
dispatch box公文箱
dispatch control调度指挥
dispatch list发货单
dispatch loading only只限装货的速遣费
dispatch money速遣费
dispatch note发货通知,发运单
dispatch rate飞机每日出动率
dispatched by the state公派
dispatching centre调度中心
dispatching desk调度台
dispatching officer飞机调度军官
dispatching room调度室
dispatching telephone调度电话
dispatcher n.调度员,空投组组长,装卸人员
dispatchment n.派遣





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