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单词 fashion
释义 fashion /'faejn; 'faejan/ n 1 a/the ~, manner of doing or making sth: 样子; 方式: He walks in a peculiar ~. 他走路的样子很奇特。 after/in a ~, somehow or other, but not satisfactorily: 略微地 (但不令人满意): He can speak and write English, after a ~. 他多少会说和写英文,但不太好 - after the ~ of, like, in imitation of: 像 →→ 样; 模仿: a novel after the ~ of Graham Greene. 模仿格雷安格林的一部小说。 2 [C, U] (as shown in the examples) (用于下列例句中 5 (of clothes, behaviour, thought, custom, etc) prevailing custom; that which is considered most to be admired and imitated during a period or at a place: (指服装,行为,思想,风浴等) 风,尚; 时髦; 时样; 风气: dressed in the latest ~. 亵扮入时南。 F~s for men's clothes change less frequently than ~s for women's clothes. 男装的时样不如女装的时样多变化。 be all tha ~. (of dress, behaviour, etc) be very popular. (指服装,行动等) 十分流行。 come into/go out of become/no longer be popular: 洗行 (不流行 ) : When did that style of dress come into/go out of ~? 那种衣服式样什么时候变为流行 (不流行) ? follow/be in the ~, do what others do in matters of dress, behaviour, etc. (K 束,行动等) 迎合时尚。 set the ~, give the example by adopting new ~s. 开风. 气; 创新时样。 a man/woman of ~. one belonging to fashionable society and conforming to its usages. 上流社会人物; 时室人物。 '~ plate n picture showing a style of dress. 时装图卷。 vt [VP6A, 15A] give form or shape to; mould: 形成; 做成…曲形状: ~ a canoe out of a tree-trunk/a whistle from, a piece of wood/a lump of clay into a bowl. 用曲干做成浦木肉 (用木块制成一口笛; 将粘土塑成一只碗) 。




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