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单词 crash
crash/kræ ʃ/ v [-es / ɪz/];n adj [无comp]; adv

v (1)(使)猛地撞击(坠下)((cause to) strike or fall suddenlyviolently and noisily)[I+prepI+advT+n+prepT+n+adv]:(flower pot)~to the floor/the sidewalk(花盆)哗啦一声摔到地上/人行道上;(tree)~down(树)轰隆一声倒下;The rocks~ed down onto the road below.岩石轰隆隆坠到下边的路上。The door~ed open.门轰然撞开。~a glass against a wall把玻璃杯砰地摔到墙上;~a plate/one's fist down on a table把盘子/拳头砰地摔(砸)到桌子上;~one's hand into sb's face用手狠狠抽打某人的脸;(whale)~its tail into water(鲸鱼)使尾巴重重地击打水面;

(2)(使)相撞,(使)撞(坠)毁((cause to)strike violently against each other;(cause to)have a suddenviolent and noisy accident)[II+prep(into),T+nT+n+prep(into)]:The two cars~ed at the intersection.两辆车在交叉口轰隆一声撞上了。see an airliner~on landing/west of the city 见一架班机在降落时/在城市的西边坠毁;(car/train)~into a bus(汽车/火车)轰隆一声撞在公共汽车上;(plane)~into a mountain(飞机)轰隆一声撞在山上;The driver~ed the bus.司机把公共汽车撞毁了。~a car into a wall开车撞在墙上;a~ed car/plane撞毁的汽车/坠毁的飞机;

(3)猛冲(闯) ((cause to) break through violently and noisily)[I+prepI+advT+nT+n+advT+n+prep]:The angry elephant~ed through the forest/about in the undergrowth.那头愤怒的大象在森林中狂奔/在灌木丛中横冲直闯。The man~ed through the undergrowth/around in the room.那人在灌木丛中乱闯/在房间里乱转。The scream~ed through the stillness of the night.尖叫声刺破寂静的夜空。

(4)发出巨响(make a sudden loud noise)[I]:The thunder/cymbals~ed.雷声隆隆/铜锣声震耳。a~ing sound隆隆巨响;

(5)失败,倒闭,垮台((of businessetc)fail suddenly;come to ruin)[I]:The company/firm/New York stock exchange/stock商号/纽约股票交易所/股票市场崩溃。The financial scheme~ed.那金融计划失败了。

(6)不请自到(join or enter (a private social occasion) without paying or being invited)[T+nI](infml)(=gatecrash):Four boys tried to~her birthday party.有四个男孩试图闯进来参加她的生日聚会。~the gate at a football game 看足球赛无票闯门;

(7)(凑合地)过夜((spend the night)in an improvised bedesp when very tired)[I+prepI+adv(out)](sl)(尤AmE):Can I~(out) on your floor tonight? 我今晚可以在你这儿打地铺吗?

n (1)撞击(声),坠毁(声),破碎(声)((sudden loud noise made by a) violent fall blowbreaketc)[C,通常sing]:the~of breaking glass/dishes being dropped玻璃破碎/盘子摔碎的哗啦声;The chimney/tree fell with a great(loud)~.烟囱/树轰然倒下。a terrific~of thunder可怕的隆隆雷声;〖同〗bang,crack;

(2)撞车事故(a violent vehicle accident)[C,通常pl]:There was a~involving two cars.发生了一起两辆车相撞的事故。a train/car/plane~火车相撞事故/汽车撞车事故/空难;an air~空难;a~in which several cars collided一起几辆车相撞的事故;survive a~遇车祸(空难)幸免于难;~barrier/helmet 防撞栏/防护头盔;no survivors among the~victims车祸中无一人幸存;

(3)倒闭,垮台(sudden severe failure of a business or stock market)[C]:the Wall Street/stock market/financial~华尔街/股票市场/金融的崩溃;〖同〗failure,bankruptcy,ruin;

→′crash-land v,′crash-landing n 迫降;

adj 应急的,速成的(marked by an intensive effort to achieve quick results)[作attrib]:go on a~diet进行速成节食;a~course in German德语速成课程;a~program to finish a building建成一座楼的应急计划;

adv 轰隆(哗啦,砰砰)地(with a crash):The vase fell/box landed~on the floor.花瓶/箱子砰的一声掉在地上。C~!Down it came.轰隆一声,它倒了。





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