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单词 dignity


1. elevated rank,high office 高贵身份,高级官位。
△Mac.1.6.18: “For those of old,/ And the late dignities heaped up to them.”为了过去和最近迭加于我家的封赐。
△Mac.5.1.60 (55):“I would not have such aheart in my bosom for the dignity of the wholebody. ”纵然为了全身的尊贵,我也不愿让我的胸膛里装着这样一颗心。
△R.III.4.4.314 (313): “This fair alliance quickly shall call home / To high promotions andgreat dignity.”这一美好的联姻定可很快将他召唤回国接受高官显职。
△H.VIII.3.1.140(141):“Nothing but deathShall e’er divorce my dignities.”除了死亡,再没有什么事情能使我与我的王后尊严分离。
△H.VIII.3.2.329(328):“and to prepare the ways / You have for dignities.”以便为你谋取尊位铺平道路。
2. dignitary显贵。
△1H.VI.1.3.49:“Under my feet Istamp thy cardinal’s hat; /In spite of pope or dignitiesof church,/ Here by the cheeks I’ll drag thee up anddown.”我要把你那红衣主教的帽子放在我的脚下踩;我也不管什么教皇或是教会里的什么大人物,要拧着你的腮帮子拖来拖去。
3.respectability,honour,social position,rank威望,荣誉,地位,身份。
△Rom.Pro.1:“Two households,bothalike in dignity.”i.e. Two families. both alike in so-cial rank. 两个门第相当的家族。
4. high estate,i.e. kingship高贵地位,(指)帝王之尊。
△2H.VI.3.1.337: “Faster than spring-time showerscome thought on thought,/ And not a thought butthinks on dignity.”脑海中浮想连翩,比春雨还要急骤,但没有一个念头不是想到帝王之尊。
5. royal power,sovereignty王权,君权。
△2H.VI.5.1.193: “Call Buckingham. and all the friends thouhast,/ I am resolved for death or dignity.”即使你把白金汉以及你所有的朋友都叫来,我反正下定了决心不惜一死也要夺取王权。
△R.III.3.7.194 (195):“Then,good my lord,take to your royal self / This proffered benefit of dignity;”那么,我的好大人,请你亲自接受我们奉献的这个至高无上的权位吧。





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