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(构词成分): ~ 容 [- rónɡ] ❶ (不慌不忙;镇静) calm;unhurried
❷ (时间或经济等宽裕) plentiful;sufficient;enough
另见 see also cónɡ。
◆从容 calm;unhurried;plentiful;sufficient;enough;
从容不迫 take it leisurely and unoppressively;by easy stages;calm and unhurried;pull down one's vest;take one's time;calmly;leisurely;confidently and without haste;go easy;self-possessed;in a leisurely manner;
从容干好事,性急生岔子 Slow and steady is the way to success.;More haste,less speed.;
从容坚定 stand firm and keep coolheaded;
从容就义 go to one's death unflinchingly;die a martyr fearlessly;meet one's death like a hero;meet death with great composure;treat the path of virtue calmly;
从容自若 composed;
从容自在 calm and at ease


❶ (跟随) follow: ~ 师 be an apprentice;~ 俗 follow the general custom;conform to custom;~ 征 go on a military expedition
❷ (顺从;听从) comply with;obey: ~ 命 comply with sb.'s wish;obey an order;
屈 ~ submit to;yield to
❸ (从事;参加) join;be engaged in: ~ 军 join the army;enlist
❹ (采取某种方针或态度) in a certain manner or according to a certain principle: ~ 宽处理 be lenient in treatment;~ 速 be as quickly as possible;~ 严处理 be severe in treatment Ⅱ ❶ (跟随的人) follower;attendant: ~ 者如云 have a large following;
随 ~ attendant;retainer;retinue
❷ (姓氏) a surname: ~ 公 Cong Gong Ⅲ ❶ (从属的;次要的) secondary;accessary: 分别首 ~ distinguish between the chief culprit and the accessary;
主 ~ the primary and the secondary
❷ (堂房亲属) relationship between cousins,etc. of the same paternal grandfather,great-grandfather or a yet earlier common ancestor;of the same clan: ~ 兄 first,second or distant cousin of the same clan;cousin Ⅳ (表示起于或经过) from;through: ~ 表面看 to the eye;on the face of it;~ 长远看 from a long-term point of view;in the long run;~ 根本上说 essentially;in essence;~ 经验中得来 school of hard knocks;~ 理论到实践 from theory to practice;~ 某人面前走开 get out of sb.'s sight;~ 全局出发 proceed from the situation as a whole;~ 实际出发 proceed from the actual situation;proceed from reality;~ 现在起 from now on;~ 这儿往西 go west from here;west of here Ⅴ (从来,用在否定词前面) ever: ~ 不迟到 be never late;~ 不计较个人的名誉地位 never give any consideration to personal fame and position;
她在成绩和荣誉面前 ~ 不骄傲。 Her head was never turned by achievements or honours. 我 ~ 没离开过这个地方。 I've never been away from here.
另见 see also cōnɡ。
◆从长计议 give the matter further thought and discuss it later;be talked about at length;confer with sb. on a long-range plan;consider carefully before making a decision.;deliberate;need further consideration;should be discussed at length;take more time to consider the matter;take one's time in coming to a decision;talk sth. over at length;Things can be talked at length.;
从此 from this time on;from now on;from then on;henceforth;thereupon;
从 ... 到 from ... to...;
从动 slave;slave drive;{机} driven;
从而 thus;thereby;thereupon then;so then;as a result;
从犯 accessary criminal;accessary;accessory offender;
从缓 bide time;postpone;put off;
从价 [拉] {经} ad val.;ad valorem;
从简 conform to the principle of simplicity;be simple;forgo pageantry;
从谏如流 be able to accept advice from one's inferiors;follow advices like the flowing;readily to listen to advice;listen to or follow good advices as water flows downward;
从井救人 jump into the well to save the drowning man — a method not suited for the purpose;go into a well to save a man only to find oneself in a dilemma;injure oneself and not to benefit the others;risk one's life or compromise one's own interest without doing others any good;try to do a good deed in the wrong way;
从句 {语} subordinate clause;
从军 join the army;enlist;enter the service;take service;
从宽 be lenient;handle leniently;
从来 always;at all times;all along;
从良 (of prostitutes) get married;
从量税 {经} specific duty;specific tariff;
从略 be omitted;
从女 brother's daughter;niece;
从前 before;formerly;in the past;once upon a time;a long time ago;some time ago;[古] sometime;
从轻 settle case (punishment,etc.) rather on the lenient side;
从权 as a matter of expediency;
从戎 [书] join the army;enlist;enlist in the army;enter the service;
从师 acknowledge sb. as one's master [teacher];从事 go in for;devote oneself to;be engaged in;be busy with;busy sb. with;be occupied in [with];occupy oneself with;be bound up in;be about;be concerned with;take part in;take up;go about;get busy;take to;take up with;work on;throw oneself into;(处理) deal with; handle; 从叔 [书] father's younger male cousin;
从属 subordinate;dependence;
从俗 follow local customs;follow traditions;conform to conventions;
从速 as soon as possible;without delay;
从天而降 drop from the clouds;come down from heaven;come from above;descend from heaven to earth;descend [appear] out of the blue;fall from the sky;sudden unexpected arrival;very unexpectedly;
从头 from the beginning;[拉] ab origine;ab initio;(重新) anew;once again;
从小 from childhood;since one was very young;as a child;
从新 again;anew;afresh;
从心所欲 have whatever one's heart desires;do as one pleases;free-wheeling; 从刑 {律} accessary punishment; 从兄 [书] elder male cousin (on the paternal side);
从严 severely;strictly;on the strict side;
从业 obtain employment;take up an occupation;get a job;
从一而终 be faithful to one's husband unto death;be loyal to one's spouse until his or her death;
从优 according to a higher scale;(give) as generously as possible;liberally;
从征 go on an expedition;go out to battle;
从政 enter politics;become a government official;
从中 out of;from among;therefrom;
从中渔利 reap profits from;cash in on;make capital out of;profit from [thereby];seek one's own gain out of;
从中作梗 place obstacles in the way;come between;create difficulties;hinder sb. from carring out a plan;make things difficult for sb.;put a spoke in sb.'s wheel





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