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单词 course
course/kɔ:s, AmE kɔ:rs/ n [-s / ɪz/];v [-s/ ɪz/;-d,-d/t/;-eing / ɪ ŋ/]

n (1)进(过)程(continuous forward movement in space or time)[C,通常sing]:In (During)the~of his life/a week/the year/the journey/the travel/the fight/the war,he had seen many things.他一生/一周/那年/旅行/旅行/战斗/战争中他经历过许多事情。the~of events事件的进程;A man can get used to anything in (the)~of time.随着时间的推移,人可以习惯一切。Sow the seeds now and in due~,you'll have the flowers.现在播下种子,到时候你就看到花儿了。〖同〗progression,development;

(2)航向(线),水路,路线((route or direction)taken by a ship or aircraft or by a riverboundary lineetc)[C]:follow the~of a river/a stream/an aircraft顺着河的流向/溪水的流向/飞机的航向;(plane/ship) be on~(飞机/船)保持着航向;(plane/ship)be(blown ten miles) off~(飞机/船)(被吹得)偏离了航线(10英里);be on the~for somewhere在去某处的路(方向)上;be drifted off~被冲(吹)离原来的方向;the planets in their~s在轨道上运行的星球;set a~for London朝伦敦驶去;The vessel/river changed its~.船/河改变了航(流)向。Which~do we take when flying to London? 乘飞机去伦敦走哪条航线? What~does the road take from here to New York? 从这儿去纽约路怎么走? Our/The ship's/The plane's~was (due) south.我们的路线/船的航线/飞机的航线(预定)为向南。〖同〗route,direction,path,way,road,track;

(3)办(做)法(way of acting or behaving;manner of proceeding)[C]:try/take/follow/adopt a possible (conciliatory/middle)~试一试/采取/遵循/采用可能的(安抚的/中庸的)办法;try another ~试一试另一种办法;Things will follow/run/take their normal~(of events)despite the strike.尽管在罢工,一切将照常进行。What's the best~of action in the circumstances? 这种情况下最佳策略是什么? There are two/no other~s open to us.我们有两种/没有别的办法可以选择。the government's present~政府目前采取的办法;Your best (wisest)~(of action) is/would be to accept his offer/to forget about it.你最好(最明智)的做法是接受他的提议/忘掉这件事。The law took its~. 法律得以实施。〖同〗procedure,action,conduct, method;

(4)课(教)程(series of classeslecturesetc one takes over a length of time)[C][N(in/on)]:a 4-year/short-term (elementary English/art/ training/Red Cross)~四年/短期(基础英语/艺术/训练/红十字)课程;take/attend/give/offer~s in French(music/science/Chemistry)上/听/讲/开法语(音乐/科学/化学)课;a~of lectures/study一门课;〖同〗classes,lessons,lectures;

(5)疗程(series of medical treatmentsmedicinesetc one takes over a length of time)[C][N(of)]:take/try/prescribe a~of X-ray treatment (drugs/injection)接受/试行/医嘱进行一个疗程的X射线(药物/注射)治疗;have a~of treatment for one's arm接受对胳膊的一个疗程的治疗;

(6)(运动)场地(area of land or water on which a race is held or a sport is played)[C]:a golf/race/turf/rowing~高尔夫球场/赛马场/赛马场/赛舟的水域;Have you played this golf~before? 你以前来这个高尔夫球场玩过吗? The~was marked out for the runners with white tape.赛跑运动员的场地用白带子圈起来了。The~is flooded.场地被淹没了。〖同〗racecourse;

(7)一道菜(any of the several parts of a meal served as a unit at one time)[C]:The main(first/final)~was steak/chicken/soup/pie with ice cream.主(第一道/最后一道)菜是牛排/鸡/汤/馅饼和冰激凌。treat sb to a 3-~dinner/12-~lunch招待某人一顿三道菜的正餐/12道菜的午餐;(dinner/lunch) consist of 3~s(正餐/午餐)有三道菜;a fish~一道鱼;What's (for) the next~? 下一道菜是什么?

(8)一层砖 (石等) (continuous layer of bricksstoneor some other building material in a wall)[C]:damp(-proof)~防潮层;

as a matter of course 理所当然地,自然地:The identity of all visitors is checked as a matter of~. 所有参观者的身份理所当然地都要查验。perform one's duty as a matter of~顺理成章地履行职责;

of course 当然,自然:Of~,I wish both of you well.当然,我希望你们两人都健康。

in the course of 在……的过程中(期间):In the~of our talk,he told me he was going on holiday soon.我们谈话中,他告诉我他就要去度假了。

v (1)奔流((esp of liquid) move or flow freely and rapidly)[I+prepI+adv]:(blood)~through sb's veins (body)(血液)在血管(身体)中涌动;(tears)~down sb's cheeks眼泪顺着脸颊流下;(trout stream)~over the rocks连绵的鳟鱼群越过礁石奔泻而下;

(2)带狗狩猎(hunt (esp hares) with dogs as a sport)[IT+n];

→′coursing n 狗追猎兔的运动





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