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单词 counter
counter2/′kaʊntə(r)  / adj & adv [无comp];v [-eing /rɪ ŋ/]

adj 相反的(opposite;opposing;contrary)[A(to)][作pred]:The result is~to what we expected.结果与我们的期望相反。His win at the elections was~to all the forecasts.他在选举中获胜,这与所有预测相反。His behaviour was~to my wishes/my desires.他的行为与我的愿望/期望相反。〖同〗 contrary,opposite,opposed;

adv 相反地(in an opposite way or direction)[Adv(to)]:act (go)~to one's promise/sb's wishes/sb's decision/all advice做事与自己的诺言/某人的愿望/某人的决定/所有的忠告相违背;(economic trends) run~to the forecasts(经济趋势)与预测相反;(election results) run~to all predictions(选举结果)与所有的预言相反;(new rules) run~to tradition(新规则)与传统相悖;This wheel turns~to all the others.这个轮子和其他轮子转向相反。〖同〗against;

→͵counter′act v 抵消;′counterattack v & n 反击(攻);′counterblast v 反驳;′counter-claim n 反诉;′countermarch v 后退;′coun-termeasure n 对策;′counteroffensive n 反击;͵counter′vail v 抗衡;

v (1)反驳,驳回(respond (to sb/sth) with an opposing view)[I+prep(with),T+nT+n+prep(with),T+that]:~with a clever reply用机智的回答予以反驳;~sb's request/sb's question驳回某人的要求/驳斥某人的问题;~a proposal/a plan/a resolution with one of one's own用自己的建议(计划/决议案)反驳一建议/一计划/一决议案;~one's critics with a strong speech用有力的演讲驳斥批评者;

(2)还击,对抗(respond (to sb/sth) with a return blow or attack)[II+prep(with),T+nT+n+prep(with)]:He~ed quickly.他迅速还击。He~ed with his left hand/a hit in the face/a heavy air strike.他用左手还击/还手击中对方的脸/下令进行强大的空袭进行还击。~with an offer to buy the whole company提出买下整个公司作为还击;~sb's blow/sb's attempt还击某人的袭击/企图;~the propaganda with a series of press statements在报上发表一系列声明来还击那种宣传;〖反〗 yield,surrender





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