释义 |
redemptionn. 1. deliverence,salvation (through the birth of Christ)解救,(因基督降生而使人类得到的)拯救。 △H.V.1.2.60:“Who died within the year of our redemption / Fourhundred twenty-six”; i.e. Four hundred twenty-sixyears after the birth of Christ:A.D.426.他是在基督纪元426年死的。 △3H.VI.2.1.101:“O Warwick,War-wick,that Plantagenet / Which held thee dearly as hissoul's redemption / Is by the stern Lord Clifford doneto death.”啊,沃里克,沃里克,那位普兰塔琪奈特,他把你看得同他的灵魂一样珍贵的,现在已经被那个凶狠的克利福勋爵杀死了。 2. redeeming,salvation; (blunder for) damnation赎罪,得救;(错用为)下地狱。 △Ado.4.2.60 (56): “O vil-lain! thou wilt be condemned into everlasting redemp-tion for this.”啊,坏蛋,为了这个你要被罚永远得救(意指:下地狱)。 Redime te captum quam queas minimo (L.): Re-deem yourself from captivity at the lowest possible price. 以最小的代价把自己从囚禁中赎救出来。(引自罗马喜剧作家泰仑斯) △Shr.1.1.166 (162). |