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单词 deal


1. quantity. amount数量.量。
△Tw.3.1.159 (145):“O. what a deal of scorn looks beautiful In the con-tempt and anger of his lip!”啊.他嘴角的轻蔑和怒容透露出的那一股鄙夷神情是多么美呀!
2. lot大量。
△ 1H.IV.2.4.599 (541): “this intolerabledeal of sack!”这样多得吓人的酒!
candy deal: sugary amount or lot甜蜜蜜的一大堆
△1H.IV 1.3.251: “Why,what a candy deal ofcourtesy This fawning greyhound then did profferme! ”嘿.这条摇尾乞怜的猎犬当时对我说了多少甜蜜蜜的恭维话!


1. do. act. proceed做.行动.进行。
△Lr.4.1.67 (66):“Heavens. deal so still!”天神们,永远这样安排吧!
△ Ado.4.1.249 (247):“I will deal in this / As secretly andjustly as your soul/Should with your body.”在这件事情上,我一定采取秘密而公正的态度行事,犹如你的灵魂对待你的身体一样。
△2H.VI. 4.9.46: “ I will. my lord,anddoubt not so to deal As all things shall redound untoyour good.”我会的,主上,请不必担心,我一定把一切事情都办得对你有利。
△3H.VI. 3.2.154:“And for I should notdeal in her soft laws.”为了使我不能按照她那温柔的规律行事。
2. act,conduct business行动,处理事情。
△Mac.4.3.120: “But God above/ Deal between thee and me!”i.e.God may intervene and conduct business betweenus.但是却有上帝在你我之间从中调处!
△Wiv.1.3.108(101):“to deal with poison;”拿出毒药来对付(福斯塔夫)。3. deal blows,fight打,打仗。
△1H .IV. 2.4.190 (169):“I never dealt better since I was a man: all would notdo.” 自我长大成人之后.我从来没有打得这么好,但还是不行。4. speak说。
△Lr.4.7.62(61):“And to deal plainly,”说老实话。
Phrases & Expressions:
deal double: deceive欺骗。
△Rom.2.4.179(168):“ifyou should deal double with her,”如果你骗她。
deal in: have to do,meddle with有关,干预。
△1H.VI5.5.55: “Marriage is a matter of more worth / Thanto be dealt in by attorneyship.”婚姻是一桩重大的事情,用不着让掮客们从中干预。
deal upon: deal with,set to work against处理,着手对…造成不利。
△R.III.4.2.73 (74): “Are they that Iwould have thee deal upon ”他们就是我要你去下手对付的人。
deal with: treat对待
△2H.VI.1.3.160(157):“ButGod in mercy so deal with my soul As I in duty lovemy king and country. ”但是上帝以慈悲对待我的灵魂,我怀着崇敬之心热爱我的国王和国家。


◇ a fair deal公平交易/a good deal = a great deal大量,很
close a deal达成交易
deal a blow打击
deal badly by sb.待某人坏
deal well by sb.待某人好
deal with处理,研究,论述,应付
deal with sb.交涉
deal with a man as he deals with you礼尚往来
make a deal with = do a deal with和…做交易
no big deal毫不困难,毫不复杂
‖ deal for the account期货成交
deal in credits从事信贷业
deal in futures 期货交易
deal negotiation交易谈判
deal on credit信用交易,赊欠交易
deal ticket买卖盘纸
deal with concrete matters务实
deal with the case查办案件
shady deal 黑幕
dealing(in) futures期货交易
dealing director证券商董事
dealing floor交易场地
dealing for account记账交易
dealing for money现金交易
dealing in futures contracts期货合约交易
dealing in securities证券交易
dealing loan证券贷款
dealing paper交易商本票
dealing partnership证券合伙商号
dealing practice买卖惯例
dealing room盘房
dealing slip交易记录单
dealings in futures期货交易
dealer n.商贩
dealer agreement交易商协定
dealer bank自营商行
dealer in commodities买卖商,证券经纪商
dealer inventory流通库存
dealer price批发价格,商贩
dealer’s licence经销商执照
dealer’s representative证券商代表
dealership n.代理权,经销权
dealing n.对付,对待,处理,分配


英格兰东南部肯特郡境内港口城市。濒英吉利海峡。据传公元前55年凯撒在此登陆。迪尔海湾曾是西荷(1639)和英荷海战(1666)战场。19世纪后发展成为度假胜地。经济以渔业、造船为主。人口:25 989(1981)。





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