n. daring. boldness大胆,勇敢,
△1H.IV.4.1.77:“It lends a lustre and more great opinion. A largerdare to our great enterprise,”这赋予我们伟大的事业一种光彩和更大的声誉,使它显得更加勇敢。
1. challenge. defy向…挑战,激…(藐视)。
△ Gent.5.4.131: “I dare thee but to breathe upon my love.”你胆敢向我的爱人吹一口气,我就叫你尝尝厉害。
△Rom.2.4.12(11): “how he dares. being dared. ” i.e. how coura-geous he can show himself to be when challenged.旦受到挑战.他敢如何应战。
△1H.IV.5.2.53: “Unless abrother should a brother dare To gentle exerciseand proof of arms.”除非是弟弟向哥哥提出挑战,要进行一番平和的比武演习。
△2H.VI.3.2.203: “What dares notWarwick. if falsc Suffolk dare him?”如果诡诈的萨福克向他挑战.沃里克有什么不敢?
△3H.VI.1.4.27: “Come,bloody Clifford. rough Northumberland,/ I dareyour quenchless fury to more rage.”来吧.嗜血的克利福,残暴的诺桑伯兰,我要把你们不可遏制的怒火激成更大的凶焰。
△R.III. 5.4.3:“Daring an opposite to every dan-ger.”在一切危险情况下都敢于向敌人作战。
△H.VIII.3.2.307(306):“Speak on,sir,╱ I dare your worst objec-tions.”请说下去吧,先生,你对我的控诉再严重,我也不怕。
2. challenge (meaning little more than “can do”)挑战.能做(的一切)。
△Ham.4.4.51:“Exposing what is mor-tal and unsure╱To all that fortune. death. and danger dare,╱ Even for an egg-shell.”哪怕为了一只蛋壳,也凭着血肉之躯.担着风险,去接受命运、死亡和危险的挑战
3. terrify,frighten. strike fear into. paralyse withfright使恐惧,使惊恐,使突然感到恐惧,使因惊吓而瘫痪
△H.V.4.2.36:“For our approach shall so muchdare the field.” i.e.terrify the enemy. 因为我们的临近将要使敌人惊恐失措。
4. dazzle; fascinate and daze. and so entrap眩惑;先使…眼花缭乱、然后陷入圈套。
△H.VIII. 3. 2. 282 (281):“Lethis Grace go forward.╱ And dare us with his cap.like larks.”(The reference is to larks being caught bythe use of a mirror or a piece of red cloth to dazzlethem. while a net is thrown over them. The cardinal’s cap is red. )让主教大人走上前来.像对待云雀那样,用他的红帽子来迷惑我们吧。
1. show courage勇敢,有勇气。
△Rom.2.4. 12 (11):“how he dares,being dared.”一旦受到挑战,他敢如何应战。
2. challenge. defy挑战,激。
△Ado.5.1.150 (146):“how you dare,with what you dare,and when youdare.”不管你敢采取什么方式,使用什么武器,定在什么时候跟我决斗
△2H.IV. 4.1.119 (117): “Their neighingcoursers daring of the spur,” i.e. the neighs of theirchargers clamouring for the spur to prick them intoaction.他们的战马嘶鸣,急待着马刺催它们上前。
◇ dare to敢于
for a dare竟敢/I dare say恐怕,可能…
‖ dare not or would not speak up讳言
dare to do everything敢作敢为
dare to experiment大胆试验
dare to reform大胆改革
daring to take the lead敢为人先
daredevil n.& adj.胆大妄为的人
daredevilry adv.