电信diàn xìnTelecommunication Service按键号码式 [àn jiàn hào mǎ shì] push button type 暗语 [àn yǔ] code language 备用发报机 [bèi yònɡ fā bào jī] auxiliary transmitter 本人不在 [běn rén bú zài] addressee absent 本人拒收 [běn rén jù shōu] refused by addressee 比率臂 [bǐ lǜ bèi] ratio arm 并无此号 [bìnɡ wú cǐ hào] no such number 拨号 [bō hào] dial 拨号盘 [bō hào pán] dial 拨号声 [bō hào shēnɡ] dial tone 不挂断 [bú ɡuà duàn] hold the line 步进制 [bù jìn zhì] step-by-step system 部分加急 [bù fèn jiā jí] partially urgent 查号台 [chá hào tái] directory information desk 拆线 [chāi xiàn] disconnect 常用电话号码表 [chánɡ yònɡ diàn huà hào mǎ biǎo] frequently called number 长波发报机 [chánɡ bō fā bào jī] long-wave transmitter 长途电报 [chánɡ tú diàn bào] express telegram 长途电话 [chánɡ tú diàn huà] toll/long-distance call 长途电话控制器 [chánɡ tú diàn huà kònɡ zhì qì] long-distance telephone controlling device; toll restricted telephone 长途电路 [chánɡ tú diàn lù] toll circuit 长途站 [chánɡ tú zhàn] Toll Center (TC) 长途转接 [chánɡ tú zhuǎn jiē] toll switching 重新编号 [chónɡ xīn biān hào] renumbering 传递带 [chuán dì dài] conveyor belt 传电打字机 [chuán diàn dǎ zì jī] teletypewriter; teleprinter 传话筒 [chuán huà tǒnɡ] mouthpiece 传输 [chuán shū] transmission 传真电报 [chuán zhēn diàn bào] photogram; facsimile telegraph 磁电式电话 [cí diàn shì diàn huà] magnetic telephone 磁石式交换机 [cí shí shì jiāo huàn jī] magnetic switchboard 存证信函 [cún zhènɡ xìn hán] legal attest letter 打孔电报 [dǎ kǒnɡ diàn bào] perforating telegraph 打字电报 [dǎ zì diàn bào] teletype 打字电报机 [dǎ zì diàn bào jī] telewriter 代号 [dài hào] designator word 地下电缆 [dì xià diàn lǎn] underground cable 第二级选择机 [dì èr jí xuǎn zé jī] second selector 电报 [diàn bào] telegram 电报费 [diàn bào fèi] telegram charge 电报费收据 [diàn bào fèi shōu jù] radiogram receipt 电报挂号 [diàn bào ɡuà hào] registered telegraphic address 电报局 [diàn bào jú] telegraph office; telegraph administration 电报路线 [diàn bào lù xiàn] telegraph line 电报略语 [diàn bào lüè yǔ] cablese 电报码 [diàn bào mǎ] telegraph code 电报用语 [diàn bào yònɡ yǔ] cablese 电报转发机 [diàn bào zhuǎn fā jī] telegraph repeater 电传照相 [diàn chuán zhào xiànɡ] telegraphic picture 电动打字机 [diàn dònɡ dǎ zì jī] electric typewriter 电话簿 [diàn huà bù] telephone directory; phone/telephone book 电话费 [diàn huà fèi] (long distance); telephone payment/bill/charges 电话号码 [diàn huà hào mǎ] telephone number 电话间 [diàn huà jiān] telephone room 电话交换局 [diàn huà jiāo huàn jú] telephone exchange 电话铃 [diàn huà línɡ] telephone ringer 电话留言 [diàn huà liú yán] telephone message 电话套 [diàn huà tào] telephone cover 电话亭 [diàn huà tínɡ] telephone booth 电话月租 [diàn huà yuè zū] monthly rental 电话增音机 [diàn huà zēnɡ yīn jī] telephone repeater 电话总机 [diàn huà zǒnɡ jī] switchboard; exchange 电汇 [diàn huì] telegraphic money order 电缆 [diàn lǎn] telegraph cable 电码本 [diàn mǎ běn] code book 电视电话 [diàn shì diàn huà] videophone 电视电话录像机 [diàn shì diàn huà lù xiànɡ jī] video/picture phone 电锁对讲机 [diàn suǒ duì jiǎnɡ jī] electric-lock intercom 电文 [diàn wén] telegraph message 电线柱 [diàn xiàn zhù] telegraph/telegraph post 电信法 [diàn xìn fǎ] telecommunication act 电子交换系统 [diàn zǐ jiāo huàn xì tǒnɡ] electronic switching system 电子自动电话制 [diàn zǐ zì dònɡ diàn huà zhì] electronic dial system 调变 [tiáo biàn] modulation 调度电话 [diào dù diàn huà] train dispatching telephone 调制 [tiáo zhì] modulation 定号设计 [dìnɡ hào shè jì] numbering scheme/plan 独立电路 [dú lì diàn lù] independent circuit 短波发报机 [duǎn bō fā bào jī] short-wave transmitter 对讲机 [duì jiǎnɡ jī] intercom 对讲机系统 [duì jiǎnɡ jī xì tǒnɡ] intercom system 对内电话 [duì nèi diàn huà] house phone 二百点交排键 [èr bǎi diǎn jiāo pái jiàn] 200 point crossbar switch 发话器 [fā huà qì] telephone transmitter 发话人 [fā huà rén] calling party 翻译电码 [fān yì diàn mǎ] decipher; decode 分机 [fēn jī] extension 分集式接收法 [fēn jí shì jiē shōu fǎ] diversified reception 粉末管 [fěn mò ɡuǎn] coherer 复合电路 [fù hé diàn lù] composite circuit 复接插口 [fù jiē chā kǒu] multiple jack 复接式交换机 [fù jiē shì jiāo huàn jī] multiple common battery switchboard 公用电话 [ɡōnɡ yònɡ diàn huà] public telephone; pay phone 共电式 [ɡònɡ diàn shì] common battery 共电式交换机 [ɡònɡ diàn shì jiāo huàn jī] common battery switch-board 古典型电话 [ɡǔ diǎn xínɡ diàn huà] art telephone 固定发报机 [ɡù dìnɡ fā bào jī] stationary transmitter 光波传真电报 [ɡuānɡ bō chuán zhēn diàn bào] telefax 国际电报咨询委员会 [ɡuó jì diàn bào zī xún wěi yuán huì] CCIT 国际电话 [ɡuó jì diàn huà] international call 国际电话咨询委员会 [ɡuó jì diàn huà zī xún wěi yuán huì] CCIF 国际汇票 [ɡuó jì huì piào] international money order 国际频率登记委员会 [ɡuó jì pín lǜ dēnɡ jì wěi yuán huì] International Frequency Registration Board (IFRB) 国际无线电咨询委员会 [ɡuó jì wú xiàn diàn zī xún wěi yuán huì] CCIR 国际直拨电话 [ɡuó jì zhí bō diàn huà] international subscriber dialing 海底电报 [hǎi dǐ diàn bào] cablegram 海底电缆 [hǎi dǐ diàn lǎn] submarine cable 号码安排 [hào mǎ ān pái] numbering scheme 贺电 [hè diàn] congratulatory telegram 呼号 [hū hào] call sign 呼唤迟延 [hū huàn chí yán] call delayed 话机号码 [huà jī hào mǎ] telephone number 话中插接业务 [huà zhōnɡ chā jiē yè wù] call waiting service 幻像电路 [huàn xiànɡ diàn lù] phantom circuit 黄页簿 [huánɡ yè bù] yellow pages 谎报电话 [huǎnɡ bào diàn huà] hoax call 回铃音 [huí línɡ yīn] ring back tone 会议电话 [huì yì diàn huà] conference call 混频管 [hùn pín ɡuǎn] mixer tube 火急 [huǒ jí] rush urgent 火漆封 [huǒ qī fēnɡ] wax sealing 机密电 [jī mì diàn] confidential message 极机密电 [jí jī mì diàn] top secret message 记发机 [jì fā jī] register 继电器制 [jì diàn qì zhì] all-relay system 减价 [jiǎn jià] reduced-rate 减价电话 [jiǎn jià diàn huà] reduced-rate call 讲话中 [jiǎnɡ huà zhōnɡ] busy tone 交叉换位 [jiāo chā huàn wèi] transposition 交换台 [jiāo huàn tái] switchboard; exchange 交际电报 [jiāo jì diàn bào] social letter telegram 叫号通话 [jiào hào tōnɡ huà] station-to-station 叫话人付费通话 [jiào huà rén fù fèi tōnɡ huà] pay call 叫接电话 [jiào jiē diàn huà] telephone call 叫人信号 [jiào rén xìn hào] teleseme 接线 [jiē xiàn] connect 接线生 [jiē xiàn shēnɡ] hello girl; operator 接帚 [jiē zhǒu] wiper 接转 [jiē zhuǎn] rotary switching 截答录音 [jié dá lù yīn] taped interception of calls; monitoring; phone tapping 紧急电话 [jǐn jí diàn huà] emergency call 军用电话 [jūn yònɡ diàn huà] field telephone 卡片电话 [kǎ piàn diàn huà] cardphone 开放式电话号码 [kāi fànɡ shì diàn huà hào mǎ] Telo-Jumbo 空线 [kōnɡ xiàn] idle line 扩音电话 [kuò yīn diàn huà] amplified phone 菱形天线 [línɡ xínɡ tiān xiàn] rhombic antenna 录音电话 [lù yīn diàn huà] record telephone 陆线电报 [lù xiàn diàn bào] telegram 滤波器 [lǜ bō qì] sound filter 忙线 [mánɡ xiàn] line is busy 忙音 [mánɡ yīn] busy tone 密语电报 [mì yǔ diàn bào] coded telegram 明电 [mínɡ diàn] plain telegram 配车电话 [pèi chē diàn huà] car distribution telephone 起止式印字电报 [qǐ zhǐ shì yìn zì diàn bào] start-stop printing telegram 启闭式发报 [qǐ bì shì fā bào] on-off keying 汽车对讲电话 [qì chē duì jiǎnɡ diàn huà] CB Radio 迁移不明 [qiān yí bù mínɡ] moved; left no address; not forwardable 迁移未留新址 [qiān yí wèi liú xīn zhǐ] moved; left no address; not forwardable 墙机 [qiánɡ jī] wall telephone 墙上听筒架 [qiánɡ shànɡ tīnɡ tǒnɡ jià] hook 切断 [qiē duàn] cut off; hang up 窃听 [qiè tīnɡ] wire tapping 请回电话 [qǐnɡ huí diàn huà] call back 区号 [qū hào] station number 区间电报 [qū jiān diàn bào] district telegram 区间电话 [qū jiān diàn huà] sectional telephone 区内电话 [qū nèi diàn huà] district telephone 区域号码 [qū yù hào mǎ] area code 全价 [quán jià] full-rate 全价电话 [quán jià diàn huà] full-rate call 人工电话 [rén ɡōnɡ diàn huà] manual telephone 商务传单 [shānɡ wù chuán dān] unaddressed trade circulars 商务交换电报 [shānɡ wù jiāo huàn diàn bào] telex 商业文件 [shānɡ yè wén jiàn] commercial paper 升降制 [shēnɡ jiànɡ zhì] panel system 湿润器 [shī rùn qì] humidor 市内电话 [shì nèi diàn huà] local call 室内电话 [shì nèi diàn huà] interoffice phone 收报机 [shōu bào jī] telegraph receiver 收线 [shōu xiàn] cut off; hang up 手提发报机 [shǒu tí fā bào jī] portable transmitter 手提无线电话 [shǒu tí wú xiàn diàn huà] walky-talky 受话人付费通话 [shòu huà rén fù fèi tōnɡ huà] collect call; no obligation call 书信电报 [shū xìn diàn bào] telex 竖立式桌机 [shù lì shì zhuō jī] candlestick telephone 水线电报 [shuǐ xiàn diàn bào] submarine telegraph 私自过户 [sī zì ɡuò hù] illegal transfer 速记电话 [sù jì diàn huà] dictograph 索引 [suǒ yǐn] speedy telephone index 特急 [tè jí] specially urgent 听筒 [tīnɡ tǒnɡ] hand set; receiver 停话 [tínɡ huà] suspend 通话次数表 [tōnɡ huà cì shù biǎo] service meter 通信人 [tōnɡ xìn rén] correspondent 同线 [tónɡ xiàn] party line 投递目的地 [tóu dì mù dì dì] destination 投硬币电话 [tóu yìnɡ bì diàn huà] coin call; pay phone call 推译 [tuī yì] decipher; decode 外地加号码 [wài dì jiā hào mǎ] area code digit 微波 [wēi bō] microwave 卫星电路 [wèi xīnɡ diàn lù] satellite circuit 卫星通信 [wèi xīnɡ tōnɡ xìn] satellite communication 无法投递的电报 [wú fǎ tóu dì de diàn bào] undelivered telegram 无固定地址 [wú ɡù dìnɡ dì zhǐ] no fixed address 无线电报 [wú xiàn diàn bào] radiogram; wireless telegram 无线电对讲机 [wú xiàn diàn duì jiǎnɡ jī] wireless transceiver 无线电话 [wú xiàn diàn huà] radio telephone 无线电台 [wú xiàn diàn tái] wireless station 线路门号 [xiàn lù mén hào] switching equipment line; local line 向发报人查询 [xiànɡ fā bào rén chá xún] consult the sender 信标器 [xìn biāo qì] marker 信标器纵横键 [xìn biāo qì zònɡ hénɡ jiàn] crossbar switch 信息保留系统 [xìn xī bǎo liú xì tǒnɡ] message waiting system 旋转制 [xuán zhuǎn zhì] rotary system 选择机 [xuǎn zé jī] selector 延发电报 [yán fā diàn bào] deferred telegram 遥控电话机 [yáo kònɡ diàn huà jī] remote mate 移频式发报 [yí pín shì fā bào] frequency-shift keying (FSK) 译成密码 [yì chénɡ mì mǎ] encode 音响电报 [yīn xiǎnɡ diàn bào] echo-telegram 印花 [yìn huā] stamp duty 印字电报 [yìn zì diàn bào] printing telegraph 应急发报机 [yìnɡ jí fā bào jī] emergency transmitter 用电话申请 [yònɡ diàn huà shēn qǐnɡ] application by telephone 用户 [yònɡ hù] subscriber 用户交换机 [yònɡ hù jiāo huàn jī] private branch exchange 由码译文 [yóu mǎ yì wén] decipher; decode 逾期 [yú qī] delinquency date 越洋电话 [yuè yánɡ diàn huà] overseas call 载波电报 [zài bō diàn bào] carrier telegram 载波电话制 [zài bō diàn huà zhì] carrier telephone system 站间电报 [zhàn jiān diàn bào] station-to-station telegram 正文 [zhènɡ wén] text 证明书 [zhènɡ mínɡ shū] verification note 直接通信连系 [zhí jiē tōnɡ xìn lián xì] Direct Communications Link 指名电话 [zhǐ mínɡ diàn huà] person-to-person call 终接机 [zhōnɡ jiē jī] connector; terminal set 主要站 [zhǔ yào zhàn] primary outlet (pc) 注意轻放 [zhù yì qīnɡ fànɡ] handle with care 专电 [zhuān diàn] special dispatch 专送 [zhuān sònɡ] express 专线电报 [zhuān xiàn diàn bào] tie line message 转播电台 [zhuǎn bō diàn tái] reply station 桌机 [zhuō jī] desk telephone 桌上听筒架 [zhuō shànɡ tīnɡ tǒnɡ jià] cradle 自动电话 [zì dònɡ diàn huà] automatic telephone 自动发报机 [zì dònɡ fā bào jī] automatic transmitter 自动计账机 [zì dònɡ jì zhànɡ jī] automatic message accounting machine (AMA) 自动收报 [zì dònɡ shōu bào] automatic reception 自动转接制 [zì dònɡ zhuǎn jiē zhì] automatic switching system 纵横制 [zònɡ hénɡ zhì] cross bar system 电信telecommunications ~会议teleconference 相关词汇 小灵通PHS (PAS) 话音voice 分组话音packet voice 通过因特网实现的语音服务voice over IP(VOIP) 专线private line 中继relay 点到点协议PPP 无线电运营商wireless operator 电信运营商telecom operator;carrier 无线局域网WLAN 陆地光传输terrestrial optical transmission 集团电话系统 key telephone system 中国联通China Unicom 中国卫通China Satcom 中国网通China Netcom 中国移动China Mobile 通用移动电信系统universal mobile telecom system (UMTS) 分组数据呼叫packet data calling 基站base station 频段spectrum 无线固定网状网wireless fixed mesh network 深层分组检测deep packet inspection 黑客袭击intrusion |