释义 |
curbn. 1. chain or strap attached to the bit for restraining ahorse,bridle马勒,笼头。 △As. 3.3.85 (79): “As theox hath his bow,sir,the horse his curb,and the fal-con her bells,so man hath his desires;”先生,正像牛有轭,马有勒,猎鹰腿上挂金铃,人也有自己的欲望。 △1H.IV.1.2.67 (60):“and resolution thus fubbed as it is with therusty curb of old father antic the law?”不屈的好汉还像现在这样被法律那个老怪物用生锈的嚼子套住,挫折了锐气? 2. bridle,check,restraint笼头,控制,遏制。 △2H.IV.4.4. 62: “For when his headstrong riot hath no curb,”因为如果他的肆意胡闹得不到遏制。
curbvt. bridle,keep in check,restrain (from)约束,控制,抑制。 △1H.IV.3.1.170 (169):“And curbs himselfeven of his natural scope”,他竭力克制着他那暴烈的天性。~ vi. bend,bow弯曲,鞠躬。 △Ham.3.4.155:“curband woo”,i.e. bow and beg.鞠躬请求。 curb(1)[kə:b]v.约束,控制,遏制n.路边,马勒,约束,井栏 ◇ curb inflation抑制通货膨胀 curb the real estate craze抑制房地产热 ‖ curb nuclear armament遏制核军备 curb service路边餐饮服务
curb(2)[kə:b]n.场外证券市场 ‖ curb broker场外经纪人 curb dealing场外交易 curb exchange场外交易 curb exchange rate证券的场外市场价 curb inflation控制通货膨胀 curb market股票证券场外交易市场 curbed modulation约束调制 curb price场外交易所价格 curb stock场外股票 curb stone broker证券交易的场外经纪人 |