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单词 cunning


△Ham.2.2.627 (590):“Haveby the very cunning of the scene / Been struck so tothe soul,”因为台上的情景表演得太巧妙了,一下子打动了灵魂。
△Ham. 4. 7. 155: “We’ll make a solemn wager onyour cunnings”,i.e. your respective skills. 对你们的技艺比赛,我该有庄重的悬赏。
△Shr.Ind.1.92:“Where inyour cunning can assist me much.”你们的演技可以给我很大帮助。
2. skill,ability技巧,能力。
△H.V.5.2.149 (143):“norI have no cunning in protestation;”我也没有表白自己的本领。
△2H.VI.2.1.130(129):“My lords,Saint Albanhere hath done a miracle; / And would ye not thinkhis cunning to be great,/ That could restore this crip-ple to his legs again?”诸位大人,圣奥尔本在这里创造了一个奇迹;但是倘若他要能使这个瘸子恢复了他的双腿的功能,你们不是会认为他的本领更伟大吗?
3. magical skill,witchcraft sorcery魔法,巫术,妖术。
△1H.VI.2.1.50:“Is this thy cunning,thou deceitfuldame?” 这是不是你玩了什么法术,你这个骗人的女人?
△1H.VI.3.3.9:“We have been guided by theehitherto,/ And of thy cunning had no diffidence:”我们一直都接受你的指导,对于你的法术毫不怀疑。
4. craftiness,skilful deceit狡诈,诡计。
△Ado.2.2.56(54):“Be you constant in the accusation,and my cun-ning shall not shame me. ”只要你肯坚决地去指控,我的诡计是不会失败的。
△Lr.1.2.65(59):“It was not broughtme,my lord: there’s the cunning of it.”信不是带给我的,大人;刁就刁在这里。
5. pretence假装。
△Lr.2.1.30 (28): “Pardon me:/In cunning I must draw my sword upon you.”原谅我,我一定得假装向你拔出剑来。
6. sagacity,wisdom,cleverness精明,智慧,聪明。
△Tw2.2.23 (22): “the cunning of her passion”,她情急智生。(又译:她爱中生智)。
7. knowledge,awareness知道,明白。
△Oth.3.3.49:“That errs in ignorance and not in cunning.” i.e. notknowingly,unwittingly. 他这次犯错误是出于无意,并非存心。


1. skilful,proficient熟练的,精通的。
△Shr.2.1.56:“Cunning in music and the mathematics”,熟谙音律,精通数理。
2. skilful,dexterous熟练的,灵巧的
△Tw.1.5.259(239):“’Tis beauty truly blent,whose red and whiteNature’s own sweet and cunning hand laid on.”那是调配停匀的美貌,那红红白白都是造化亲自用可爱的巧手涂染的。
△Tw.3.4.314(283):“Plague on’t,an I thought hehad been valiant and so cunning in fence,I’d haveseen him damned ere I’d have challenged him.” 真该死! 假如我早知道他是如此勇敢,并且剑术这样精巧,我在向他挑衅之前该先看见他下地狱。
△1H.IV.2.4.102 (90):“whatcunning match have you made with this jest of thedrawer?”你对这个酒保开的这场玩笑,是怎样的一条妙计?
3. skilled,skilful有技术的,熟练的。
△Rom.4.2.2:“Sirrah,go hire me twenty cunning cooks.”来人,你去给我雇二十个有手艺的厨子来。
4. skilled,accomplished有技术的,有才能的。
△Shr.1.1.97:“for to cunning men / I will be very kind,”对于有才学的人,我是很欢迎的。
5. having magical knowledge or skill 通魔法的。
△ 2H.VI.1.2.74:“Hast thou as yet conferred / WithMargery Jourdain the cunning witch,”你跟精通魔法的女巫玛加利·乔丹商谈过了吗?
cunning man: wizard,fortuneteller术士,算命的人。
△2H.VI.4.1.34: “A cunning man did calculate mybirth / And told me that by water I should die.”一位术士曾经为我算过命,说我要死在水里。
6. crafty,artful,sly 诡计多端的,欺诈的,狡猾的。
△1H.IV.2.4.509(457): “wherein cunning,but incraft?”除了诡计多端,他有什么能耐?
7. dexterous灵巧的。
△Oth.4.1.90 (89):“Dost thouhear,Iago?/I will be found most cunning in my pa-tience;”你听我说吗,伊阿古? 你会发现我会忍耐得非常巧妙。
△Ado.2.2.53(52):“Be cunning in the working this,”这件事,你要办得巧妙一些。
8. clever聪明的。
△R. III. 3. 1. 135: “So cunning and soyoung is wonderful!”年纪这么小而又这么伶俐,真是了不起!9. knowing,learned (used ironically)有知识的,有学问的。
△Ado. 5. 1. 238 (227):“This learned constable is too cunning to be understood.”这位有学问的警察知识太渊博了,说话很不好懂。
10. exquisite 精美的。
△Oth. 5. 2. 11:“Thou cunning'stpattern of excelling nature,”你这大好宇宙中的精美典范(又译:精美绝伦的造化的极品)。


‖ cunningly adv. cunningness n.





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