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单词 cumulate


[ˈkju:mjulit]adj.累积的[ˈkju:mjuleit]v. 累积
‖ cumulating n./cumulation n. 累积
cumulative adj. 累积的,累加的,附加的
cumulative action累积作用
cumulative annual rate年累积增长率
cumulative basis累积纳税基数
cumulative bomb聚能穿甲炸弹
cumulative bonus (dividend)累积红利
cumulative capital stock累积股本
cumulative comparison累积比较
cumulative constant累积常数
cumulative credit累积信贷
cumulative data累积数据
cumulative debt累积债务
cumulative deficit累积赤字
cumulative disbursement累积拨款额
cumulative distribution累积分布
cumulative dividend累积股息
cumulative dose累积剂量
cumulative error累积误差
cumulative evidence累积证据
cumulative fertility累积生育率
cumulative frequency curve累积次数曲线
cumulative frequency polygon累积频率多边图
cumulative frequency table累积次数表
cumulative hit probability累计命中概率
cumulative income bond累积收益债券
cumulative inflation累积性通货膨胀
cumulative interest累积利息
cumulative investment program累积投资计划
cumulative knowledge累加知识
cumulative launches连续发射
cumulative lending operation累积放款业务
cumulative letter of credit可累积使用的信用证
cumulative liabilities累积责任
cumulative loan repayments已偿还贷款的累计金额
cumulative market disruption累积性市场混乱
cumulative method累计法
cumulative negation多次否定
cumulative offence累犯
cumulative penalty加重处罚
cumulative percentage累积百分比
cumulative preference shares(stock) 累积优先股
cumulative probability累积概率
cumulative properties积累的特性
cumulative punishment数罪并罚
cumulative salary adjustment累积的薪资调整
cumulative scale累积尺度
cumulative scaling method累积量度法
cumulative sentence累积判决
cumulative sinking fund累积偿债基金
cumulative stock累积股
cumulative strategy累积战略
cumulative theory递加过程理论
cumulative total累积总数,累计总量
cumulative weekly sales一周销售总额
cumulatively adv. cumulatively punished with a fine并科罚金
cumulativeness n. / cumulant n.累积





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