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单词 get
释义 词性词形谱(v)get(n)getter gettering getting(a)gettable
get (got got/gotten) 义务阶段1500 全国卷频次:342


【Get】 up earlier tomorrow! Anyway, go to your place at the counter (柜台).明天早点起来吧!总之,去你的柜台(柜台)的位置。(1993年全国卷MET完形填空)How could I ever 【get】 him to finish unloading the car without screaming at me and making a scene in front of the other girls, girls I would have to spend the rest of the year with?我怎么能让他完成卸车,而不对我大喊大叫,并在其他女孩面前大吵大闹,这些女孩我将不得不在这一年的剩余时间里与她们相处?(2000年全国卷完形填空)I had attended five interviews with a company and one day between bus runs they called to say I did not 【get】 the job.我参加了一家公司的五次面试,有一天,在校车运行的间隙,他们打电话说我没有得到这份工作。(2012年全国卷完形填空)About a month later, I received a letter from Interstate, a large bus company that we had been trying to 【get】 to stop off at our roadhouse for a long time.大约一个月后,我收到了州际公司的一封信,这是一家大型的巴士公司,我们已经努力了很久,想让它在我们的路之家停靠。(2007年湖北卷完形填空)It has taken a massive tantrum to 【get】 her parents to buy it.她发了很大的脾气才让她的父母买下它。(2013年江西卷完形填空)We simply didn't 【get along】.我们根本无法相处。(2021年天津卷完形填空)Here’s our number if you need to 【get in touch with】 us."这是我们的电话号码,如果你需要和我们联系。"(2004年湖北卷完形填空)On hearing this, she ordered the old man to 【get off】 the bus.听到这个消息后,她命令这位老人下车。(2008年重庆卷完形填空)They rushed to the window, 30 or 40 birds all trying to 【get out】 at the same time, and pepperoni — everywhere.它们冲向窗户,30或40只鸟都想同时出去,胡椒粉--到处都是。(2021年全国甲卷完形填空)He reacted, trying to 【get rid of】 me, but I was already reproducing deep in his throat.他反应过来,想摆脱我,但我已经在他的喉咙深处繁殖了。(2009年重庆卷完形填空)Bernie and his CDs again to 【get through】 my own cancer experience?伯尼医生和他的光盘来度过我自己的癌症经历?(2015年江苏卷完形填空)In dealing with many challenges that friendship will bring to you, try to see them for what they are: small hurdles you need to jump or 【get through】 on your way through life.在处理友谊将给你带来的许多挑战时,试着把它们看成是:你在生活中需要跳过或度过的小障碍。(2007年山东卷完形填空)He tried to make a telephone call, but was unable to 【get through】.他试图打电话,但无法打通。(2007年浙江卷完形填空)Mr. Breen knew them all by name and they sometimes even had their order already made up, always 【getting】 me to carry it out to their car.布林先生对他们的名字了如指掌,他们有时甚至已经订好了货,总是让我把货搬到他们的车上。(2005年江西卷完形填空)The word "spaghetti" brought back the memory of an evening at Uncle Alien' s in Belleville when all of us were seated around the table and Aunt Pat 【got】 spaghetti for supper.意大利面条 "这个词让我想起了在贝尔维尔的 "外星人叔叔 "家的一个晚上,我们所有人都围着桌子坐着,帕特阿姨拿着意大利面条做晚餐。(2004年全国I卷完形填空)He totally 【got】 it.他完全明白了。(2009年陕西卷完形填空)I felt sad and thought, “What would I say when the other kids asked what I'd 【got】?” Just when I started to accept that there would not be a Christmas that year, three women turned up at our house with gifts for all of us.我感到很难过,心想:"当其他孩子问我得到了什么时,我该怎么说?" 正当我开始接受那年没有圣诞节的事实时,三个女人带着给我们所有人的礼物出现在我们家。(2010年浙江卷完形填空)Larry pulled over, set the brake and 【got hold of】 the fire extinguisher (灭火器).拉里把车开到路边,拉上手刹并拿起灭火器。(2016年全国I卷完形填空)I 【got off】 the bus and stood on the pavement not knowing what to do.我下了车,站在人行道上不知道该怎么办。(2012年安徽卷完形填空)On our way to the house, it was raining so hard that we couldn't help wondering how long it would take 【to get】 (get) there.在我们去房子的路上,雨下得很大,我们不禁想知道要花多长时间才能【到】那里。(2019年全国新课标III卷语法词汇填空)The agencies developed new ways to get people to think of themselves as members of a group. get+宾语+宾补 (to do)这些机构开发了新的方法,让人们认为自己是一个团体的成员。She couldn’t get the door open. get +宾语+宾补 (形容词;动词的ed形式亦可承担宾补) 她没能把门打开。It took a few youthful and daring businessmen to get the ball rolling. get +宾语+宾补 (动词ing)
got 全国卷频次:164
It was nearly 3 a.m. by the time I got into bed. I wouldn’t get much sleep that night, but I had gotten my wallet back.当我上床的时候,已经接近凌晨3点。那晚我不会睡得很好,但我已经拿回了我的钱包。“Wow, you’ve got courage!” one of them told me.哇,你真有勇气!他们中的一个告诉我。
got/gotten) 全国卷频次:3
The park had gotten scary, and my mother told us kids not to go there anymore.公园变得很可怕,我母亲告诉我们这些孩子不要再去那里。Fortunately, I didn’t get any channels showing all-night movies or I would never have gotten to bed. 幸运的是,我没有收到任何播放通宵电影的频道,否则我将永远无法上床睡觉。




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