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单词 cousin


n. ❶form of address used of any kinsman orkinswoman except the first degree of kinship,appliedto aunts,uncles,nieces,and nephews,as well as cous-ins in the modern sense(用来称呼除直系亲属以外的)任何男女亲戚,(除了称呼堂、表兄弟姐妹之外,还可用来称呼)叔父母、伯父母、舅父母、姑父母,以及侄子、侄女、表侄、表侄女以及外甥、外甥女等亲戚。
❷form of address used by a sovereign toanother sovereign(君主对于其他君主的称呼)皇兄,御弟。
❸form of address used by a sovereign to a nobleman(君主对贵族大臣的称呼)贤卿,爱卿,卿家。
❹title used by a no-bleman in addressing another nobleman(贵族之间的互相称呼)大人。
1.kinsman or relative in general亲戚,亲属。
△1H.Ⅳ.1.1.31:“my gentle cousin Westmoreland,” (West-moreland was a distant relative of the king.)我的高贵亲眷威斯摩兰。
△2H.Ⅳ.2.2.126(115): “The answeris as ready as a borrower’s cap. ‘I am the King’s poorcousin,sir.’”i.e. The answer is as quick as politenessfrom a man who wants to borrow money.回答就像借钱的人取下帽子一样麻利:“先生,我是国王的一个不肖的亲戚。”
2. kinsman,i.e.nephew男亲戚,(指)侄儿,表侄,外甥。
△Ado.1.2.1:“How now,brother,where is mycousin,your son?”怎样,哥哥! 我的侄儿,你的儿子在哪里?
△ Ham.1.2.64:“But now,my cousin Hamlet,andmy son—” 现在,我的侄子哈姆雷特,也是我的儿子——
△ Mac.4.2.25:“My pretty cousin,”i.e. Macduff’sson. 我可爱的表侄。
△1H.Ⅳ.5.1.104: “We love ourpeople well,even those we love / That are misled up-on your cousin ’s part.”我爱我的人民,即使被你侄子引入歧途的人,我也爱。
△R.Ⅲ.3.1.101:“How fares our cous-in,noble Lord of York?”我的侄儿,高贵的约克公爵一向过得好吧?
△R.Ⅲ.4.4.222:“You speak as if that I hadslain my cousins.”你这样说,仿佛是我杀了我的侄儿们。
△R.Ⅲ. 5.3.152(146):“Dream on(= of) thy cousins smothered in the Tower.”做梦见一见你这两个在伦敦塔中被扼杀的侄子吧。
3. kinsman.i.e. uncle男亲戚(指)叔父,伯父,舅父,姑夫。
△ Tw.5.1.315(304):“and given your drunken cousinrule over me,”还叫你那醉酒的叔叔管制我。
4. kinsman,男亲戚,(指)内兄、内弟,姐夫、妹夫,连襟。
△1H.Ⅵ.3.1.52(51):“ Peace,cousinPercy,you will make him mad.”(Hotspur’s wife,La-dy Percy,is Mortimer’s sister.) 别说了,波西妹夫,你会把他气疯的。
5. grandchild孙儿,孙女,外孙子,外孙女。
△R.Ⅲ.2.2.8:“My pretty cousins,you mistake me both;”我可爱的孙儿孙女,你们两个误会我的意思了。
△Oth.1.1.111:“you’llhave your daughter covered with a Barbary horse,you’ll have your nephews neigh to you,you’ll havecoursers for cousins,”你的女儿就要被巴巴利的一头黑马骑了,你就要有一群马外孙向你嘶叫,你就要有战马做你的外孙子了。
△R.Ⅲ.2.4.9:“Why,my good cousin? It is good togrow.”为什么,我的好孙儿?长大是好事。
6. kinswoman,i.e.niece女亲戚,(指)侄女,表侄女,外甥女。
△Tw.1.3.5:“Your cousin,my lady,”你的侄女,我的小姐。
△As.1.2.166(155):“How now,daughterand cousin!”啊,女儿,侄女!
7. used by a sovereign in formally addressing a noble-man(君主对一位贵族的礼貌称呼)贤卿,爱卿。
△As.2.7.173:“Give us some music;and,good cousin,sing.”给我奏些音乐;贤卿,你唱吧。
△2H.Ⅳ.4.2.1:“You arewell encountered here,my cousin Mowbray.”欢迎你,毛勃雷贤卿。
△2H.Ⅵ.1.1.66(65):“Cousin of York,/We here discharge your Grace from being Regent / Inthe parts of France,”约克爱卿,我现在解除你在法国各地区摄政大臣的职务。
△3H.Ⅵ.1.1.72:“Cousin of Exeter,frowns,words,and threats/Shall be the war thatHenry means to use.”爱克塞特贤卿,皱眉、申斥、威吓,这才是我亨利想要采用的战术。
8. (title used by a nobleman in addressing another no-bleman) fellow lord,fellow peer(贵族之间的互称)大人。
△ Mac.1.3.127: “Cousins,a word,I pray you.”(Banquo calls his friends aside.) 二位大人,过来说句话。
△ 2H.Ⅵ.1.1. 173(172):“Cousin of Buckingham,though Humphrey’s pride/And greatness of his placebe grief to us,/ Yet let us watch the haughty Cardinal;”白金汉尊兄,虽然亨弗雷的骄横和权位使我们怨恨,但我们也得留心这个傲慢的红衣主教。


‖ cousin marriage表亲婚姻
cousin several times removed远亲
cousin-in-law n.姻堂兄妹,姻表兄妹
cousin-german嫡堂兄(妹)cousinly adj.堂兄弟的,表兄弟的,堂姐妹的,表姐妹的





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