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单词 bed
释义 bed1 /bed; bed/ n 1 piece of furniture, or other arrangement, on which to sleep (Note omission and use of the articles): 床 (注意冠词的省略及使用): go t。bed; 就寝; 睡觉; be in bed; 卧; 睡; get into/out of bed; 上 (起) 床; put the children to bed; 委置孩子们睡觉; sit on the bed; 坐在床上; find a bed for sb; 为某人安置床铺; (fig) love-making: (喻) 做爱: He thinks of nothing but bed. 他什么都不想,只想到 single bed, for one person. 单人床。 double for two persons: 双人床: I want a room with two single beds/a double bed. 我要一间有两张单人床 (一张双人床) 的房间。 twin beds, two exactly similar single beds. 两张形式大小完全相同的单人床。 spare bed (room), one that is kept for an occasional visitor. 留给偶然来访的客人住宿的空床; 客房。 bed and board, food and lodging; entertainment (at an inn, etc). 食宿; 款待 (在旅馆等) 。 make the beds, put the bed-clothes (sheets, blankets, etc) in order, ready for use. 歴理床铺; 铺床。 As you make your bed so you must He on it, (prov) you must accept the consequences of your acts. (谚) 自作自受。 He got out of bed on the wrong side, said of sb who is bad-tempered for the day. 他今天脾气不好。 take to/keep to one's bed. stay in bed because of illness. 卧病。 2 mattress: 床塾: a feather bed; 鸭 (鹅) 械床垫; a spring-bed. 鬲簧床塾。 3 flat base on which sth rests: 基座; 隹座: The machine rests on a bed of concrete. 那机器安装在水泥的基座上。 4 bottom of the sea, a river, lake, etc; layer of rock, stone, etc, as a foundation for a road or railway; layer of clay, rock, etc, below the surface soil: 海底; 河床; 湖底; 公路或铁路之路基; (地面下之) 地层: If you dig here, you will find a bed of clay. 如果你在这里挖掘,你可以发现点土层 o'bed-rock, solid rock below the soil, found at different depths in different places; (fig) ultimate facts or principles on which a theory, etc, is based: (地面下之) 地盘岩; (喻) 理论等所依据之基本事实或原理: reach/get down to bed-rock. 穷根究底。 5 garden plot, piece of ground (for flowers, vegetables, etc): 花圃; 菜圃; 苗床: 'seed-bed; 苗床; 'onion-bed; 洋苏圃; 'flower beds. 花圃。 6 (compounds) (复合字) 'bed-bug n wingless, blood-sucking insect. 臭虱 'bed-clothes n pl sheets, blankets, etc for a bed. 床褥; 被褥; 铺盖 (指被单、毯等) 。 bedfellow n person with whom one shares a bed; (fig) companion. 同床者; 共床人; (喻) 伙伴; 友伴。 'bed-pan n vessel for waste matter from the body, used by an invalid in bed. (病人在床上用的) 便盆; 便器。 'bedpost n upright support of a bedstead (esp the old-fashioned sort). 床柱 (尤指旧式者) 。 'bedridden adj confined to bed by weakness or old age. 因体弱或年老而长久卧床的; 卧床不起的; 缠绵病榻的。 'bed-roll n portable roll of bedding (eg as used by campers). (如露营者等所用之可携带的) 铺盖卷。 'bedroom /with -dr- as in 'dry', not separated as in 'head-room' 本字中的 dr 应像 dry 中南 dr 那样读音,不能像 head-room 中那样分开来读/ n room for sleeping in. 寝室; 卧室; 卧房。 'bedside n side of (esp a sick person's) bed: (尤指病人的) 床侧: Dr Green has a good bedside manner, is tactful, knows how to fill his patients with confidence in himself; 格林医师很会对待病人 (很机智,知道如何使其病人信任医生); (attrib) (形容用法) bedside table; 床侧小几; bedside books. 置于床侧以便阅读的书籍。 bed'sit (ter) (colloq for) 'silling room n room used (eg by students, single persons away from home) for both living in and sleeping in. (为 bedsitting-room 的俗语) (供离家的学生或单身者居住之) 坐卧两用房间; 寝室、起居室两用之房间 obedsore n sore on the back, etc of an invalid, caused by lying in bed for a long time. (因久卧病榻在背部等成所引起的) 褥疮。 'bed-spread n covering - spread over a bed during the day. 床罩。 'bedstead n framework of wood and metal to support the mattress. 床架。 'bedtime n time for going to bed: 就寝时间: His usual bedtime is eleven o'clock. 他平常就寝的时间是十一点钟。




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