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单词 count


△Rom.1.3.71:“By my count,”根据我的计算,我算了一下。
out of all count: incalculable不可计算的。
△Gent. 2. 163(56): “That’s because the one is painted,and theother out of all count.”那是因为前者经过涂饰,后者是无法计算。
2. reckoning,trial 清算,审问。
△Ham.4.7.17:“Whyto a public count I might not go.”我为何不能拿他来公开审判。


n. 2 earl (one rank lower than duke) 伯爵(比公爵低一等)。
△H.VIII.2.3.41: “I would not be a youngcount in you way.”我可不愿做一个年轻伯爵在路上遇到你这样的人(双关:碰上你这样一心保持童贞的人)。


vt. consider,think考虑,认为。
△Rom.3.5.144(142):“count her blest,” i.e. consider herself blessedor fortunate. 觉得她自己有福气。
△Rom.4.1.9:“Now,sir,her father counts it dangerous / That she do giveher sorrow so much sway.”现在她的父亲认为她这样一味陷在忧伤里是有危险的。
△2H.VI.2.4.38:“Trowest thou.that e’er I’ll look upon the world,/ Or count themhappy that enjoys the sun?”你想想,我还会有一天面对这个世界,把能享受阳光看做幸福吗?
△3H.VI.5.6.91:“Counting myself but bad till I be best.”在我没有成为至高无上的人之前,我就总认为自己是卑贱者。
count of: make account of,esteem重视。
△Gent.21.67(60):“no man counts of her beauty.”没有人注意她的美了。


◇beyond count不计其数
count … against...认为…是不利于…的
count as算作,算得上
count down倒计时
count for有…价值
count for little简直无足轻重count for much关系重大,有价值,举足轻重
count for nothing毫无价值
count in =count out把…计算在内,点…的数
count on (upon)指望,依赖
count sb. to a guilt认为某人有罪
count the cost权衡得失
count to算入…,归在
count up (to)共计,把…加起来
in every count在各方面
keep count of数…的数目
lose count of不知其数out of count不计其数
out of the count完全失去知觉
run counter to =go count go与…相反
take count of计较,重视
take the count打输,死
‖count back wards倒计时
count backwards倒数
count from bottom to top倒数
count goods计件商品
count of declaration宣言中的条项
count of indictment起诉书中列举的罪项
count of lawsuit诉讼事项
count of pleading答辩事项
count on the relation of one’s wife or daughter for some position of rank or authority裙带风
count palatine大法官
counting agent监察点票代理人
counting centre点票中心
counting house会计室,账房
counting machine点票机
counting method记数法
counting of ballot点票,验票
counting of votes点票,点算选票
Counting Officer点票员
counting procedure点票程序
counting staff点票站工作人员
counting station点票站
Counting Supervisor点票人
counting zone点票区
countability n.可数性
countable adj. 可数的
countdown n.倒计时
countdown profile发射程序表
countdown sequence发射前倒数时间顺序
countdown station发射前倒数计时站
countdown time发射前倒数记数时间
countdown warning发射前记数报警
counted ballot paper已点算的选票
countless adj.无数的





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