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单词 西


❶ (太阳落下去的方向) west: 上海以 ~ to the west of Shanghai; 往 ~ 去 head west; ~ 屋 west room; 朝鲜在日本以 ~。 Korea lies (to the) west of Japan. 太阳 ~ 沉。 The sun falls to the west. 这条河由 ~ 向东流。 This river flows from west to east.
❷ (西洋) the West; the Western world: 泰 ~ the West; the Occident
❸ (西班牙) Spain
❹ (姓氏) a surname: ~ 鸣歧 Xi Mingqi Ⅱ (西洋的) Occidental; Western: ~ 乐 Western music; ~ 学 Western learning
◆西安 Xi'an; 西安事变 the Xi'an Incident (which occurred in Xi'an on December 12, 1936, when Zhang Xueliang and Yang Hucheng, the Kuomintang generals influenced by the Chinese Communist Party's policy of an anti-Japanese national united front, imprisoned Chiang Kai-shek and demanded that he cease the civil war and unite with the Communist Party to fight the Japanese invaders); 西巴唑 {药} cibazol; 西班牙 Spain; 西半球 the Western Hemisphere; 西北 northwest; northwest China; the Northwest; 西伯利亚 Siberia; 西部地区 the west area; a west part; 西部片 {电影} western films; the western film; Western; 西菜 Western-style food; foreign food; 西餐 Western-style food [meal]; European food; 西沉 verge; 西窗剪烛 the happy reunion of friends chatting together late into (the) night; 西点 {天} west; west point; Western-style pastry; west; 西法 Western method; 西番莲 passionflower; garanadilla; dahlia; 西方 the west; westward; the West; the Occident; {佛教} Western Paradise; a surname; 西方净土 the heavenly paradise; (of Buddhism) the happy land in the west; 西非 West Africa; 西鲱 sprat; spret; shads; 西风 westerly wind; west wind; 西风残照 a setting sun in the west wind; 西风落叶 the west wind and fallen leaves — an autumn scene; 西风飘落叶 The west wind scatters leaves.; 西风萧瑟 the moan of the west wind; 西凤酒 West Phoenix wine (produced in Shaanxi Province); 西服 Western-style clothes; European-style dress; 西府海棠 {植} midget crabapple; 西宫 concubines of the king or emperor; imperial concubine; the palace for concubines of the king or emperor; a surname; 西瓜 melon; watermelon; [菲] tsama; 西瓜子 watermelon seed; 西郭 a surname; 西汉 the Western Han Dynasty (206 B.C.-A.D. 24); 西红柿 tomato; 西葫芦 {植} cucurbita pepo; pumpkin; cocozelle; summer squash; patty-pan; 西画 Western painting; 西化 Occidentalize; Westernize; Westernization; 西晋 the Western Jin Dynasty (265- 316); 西经 {地} west longitude; 西氿 the Xijiu Lake (in Jiang ̄su Province); 西拉泡泡纱 {纺} Cilasilk; 西历 [旧] the Gregorian calendar; the Christian era; 西陵 a surname; 西闾 a surname; 西门 a surname; 西门子 siemens; Siemens; 西蒙风 simmon; simon; samum; 西面 west; 西南 southwest; southwest China; the Southwest; 西南非洲 South West Africa; 西宁 Xi ̄ning; 西欧 Western Europe; 西皮(戏) xipi — a type of music in traditional Chinese operas; 西偏北 west by north (W.b.N.); 西偏南 west by south (W.b.S.); 西乞 a surname; 西晒 (of a room) with a western exposure; facing west, and hot on summer afternoons; 西式 Western style; 西水羚 sing-sing; 西特公司 [美] Citicorp; 西特银行 [美] Citibank; 西天 {佛教} ancient India; Western Paradise; 西魏 the Western Wei Dynasty (535-556), one of the Northern Dynasties; 西文粗体字 {刷} antiqua; 西文罗马体 {刷} Roman; 西夏 the Western Xia regime (1038- 1227); 西乡 a surname; 西巷 a surname; 西学 Western learning (a late Qing Dynasty term for Western natural and social sciences); 西学中人员 Western medicine doctors learned Chinese medicine; 西亚经济委员会 Economic Commission for Western Asia; 西洋 the West; the Western world; 西洋景 peep show; raree-show; hanky-panky; trickery; 西洋李脯 damson cheese; 西洋李子(色) damson; 西洋杉榆 cedar elm; 西洋参 {中药} sang; American ginseng; 西药 Western medicine; 西医 Western medicine (as distinguished from traditional Chinese medicine); a doctor trained in Western medicine; 西印度群岛 the West Indies; 西印度仙人掌 barbados gooseberry; 西印度樱桃 malpighia glabra; West Indian cherry; 西域 the Western Regions (a Han Dynasty term for the area west of Yumenguan 玉门关, including what is now Xinjiang and parts of Central Asia); 西乐 Western music; 西崽 [旧] manservant (in foreign firms and Western-style restaurants run by European and American colonialists); 西藏 Xizang; Tibet; 西周 the Western Zhou Dynasty (c. 11th century-771 B.C.); a surname; 西装 Western-style clothes; 西装革履 in Western dress and leather shoes







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