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单词 allow
释义 allow /s'lav; a'lau/ vt, vi 1 [VP6A, C, 17, 15B] permit: 允许; 许可: Smoking is not ~ed here. 此处禁止吸烟。 No dogs ~ed, It is forbidden to bring dogs into this place (building, park, etc). 禁止携狗入内(指建筑物,公园等)。 Please ~ me to carry your bag. 请让我替你拿你的提包。 She is not ~ed out after dark. 她在天黑之后不准外出。 2 [VP12A, 13A, 14] give, let (sb or sth) have; agree to give: 给; 让…得到; 同意给予: How much money does your father ~ you for books? 你的父亲给你多少钱买书? He ~s his wife £100 a year for clothes. 他每年给他妻子一百镑购买衣服。 She ~ed her imagination full play, did nothing to control it. 她让她的想像力尽量发挥。 The bank ~s 5 per cent interest on deposits. 银行对存款给五厘(年) 息。 We can ~ (= take off, deduct) 5 per cent for cash payment. 付现款我们可以打九五折。 3 [VP6A] (legal) agree that sth is right or just: (法律)同意其为正当: The judge ~ed the claim. 法官同意该项主张为正当。 4 [VP25, 9] admit (now the more usu word): 承认(今较常用 admit): We must ~ him to be a genius/ ~ that he is a genius. 我们必须承认他是一个天才。 5 [VP3A] ~for, take into consideration: 考虑到; 顾虑到; 体谅; 连…算在内: It will take thirty minutes to get to the station, ~ing for traffic delays. 到车站去将需要三十分钟,连路上交通的耽搁都算在内。 ~ of, admit of (now more usu): 容许(今较常用 admit of): The situation ~s of no delay. 情势不容许延误; 刻不容缓。 ~able /-sb!; -abl/ adj that is or can be ~ed (by law, the rules, etcj. (法律,规则等)所许可的; 可承认的。




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