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单词 cost


△Ado.1.1. 99(97):“The fash-ion of the world is to avoid cost,and you encounterit.”世间的时髦乃是避免耗费,而你却偏偏要迎接它。
△Tw.5.1. 331(319):“at my proper cost.” 由我出费。
to one’s cost: to one’s prejudice (= injury) 对…有损害。
△1H.Ⅵ.3.4.43:“When thou shalt see I’ll meetthee to thy cost.”到那时候你再看吧,我们一会面就叫你付出代价。
upon one’s cost: at one’s expense 由…负担费用。
△H.Ⅴ.4.3.24:“By Jove,I am not covetous forgold,/ Nor care I who doth feed upon my cost;”天神在上,我是不贪图钱财的,谁拿我的钱去吃喝,我并不在意。
2. expenditure支出,费用。
△1H.Ⅳ.1.3.90:“For Ishall never hold that man my friend/Whose tongueshall ask me for one penny cost/To ransom home re-volted Mortimer.”谁要是开口要求我拿出一个便士的费用去把叛逆的摩提麦赎回来,我就永远不把他当做我的朋友。
cost of princes: expenditure such as befits only princes对王公贵族才合适的消费。
△As.2.7.75: “the city-woman bears/The cost of princes on unworthy shoul-ders?”i.e. The women of the city try to imitate thoseof higher rank and dress better than they should. 城里那些小户人家的妇女以微贱的身份偏要仿效王公贵族的打扮。
3. that on which money is expended,costly undertak-ing,costly thing花费金钱得来的东西,代价高的事业,昂贵的东西。
part-created cost: half-finished costly undertaking,costly building erected only in part,expensive half-built house只完成一半的代价高的事业,只建立起一半的昂贵建筑,花了很多钱只建成一半的房屋。
△2H.Ⅳ.1.3.59:“who,half through,/Gives over,and leaves his part-created cost / A naked subject to the weeping clouds,”他盖了一半就放弃了,让那只建成一半的昂贵房屋任凭雨水冲打。


1. be worth值。
△Ham.5.1.97(91):“Did these bonescost no more the breeding (i.e. in the breeding),butto play at loggats with them?”这一副枯骨生前受了那么多的教养,难道就只配让人当木块一般抛着玩吗?
2.cause the loss of,deprive one of,rob one of使…失掉,剥夺去…,夺取掉…
△3H.Ⅵ.1.1.267: “Whosehaughty spirit,winged with desire,/ Will cost mycrown,”他那骄横的脾气,加上贪欲的推动,定要夺去我的王冠。(按:cost又解作accost = attack,assail,攻击,袭击。)


◇at all costs = at any cost不惜任何代价
at cost按成本价
at the cost of以…为代价
bear all the cost承担一切费用
count the cost权衡利弊
for a cost of总共
to one’s cost吃了苦头之后才…
‖ cost absorption成本分摊
cost account成本账户
cost accountant成本会计,成本会计师
cost accounting成本会计,成本计算
cost accounting cycle成本会计循环
cost accounting department成本会计部门
cost accounting standards成本计算标准
cost allocation成本分摊
cost analysis成本分析
cost and freight货价加运费
cost and freight cost and freight成本加运费价
cost and insurance成本加保险费价格
cost-and-volume relationship成本
cost apportionment成本分配
cost approach to fair market value求得公平市场价值的成本法
cost audit成本审核
cost benefit成本效益
cost-benefit analysis成本收益分析
cost-benefit ratio of education教育成本利益比例
cost book成本账簿
cost burden成本负担
cost centre成本中心
cost classification成本分类
cost clause成本条款
cost competitiveness成本竞争力
cost consciousness成本意识
cost control成本控制
cost control of foreign exchange外汇成本管理
cost cutting成本削减
cost distribution成本分摊
cost effectiveness成本效益,成本效率
cost- effectiveness analysis成本效益分析,成本效用分析
cost efficiency成本效益
cost estimate成本预算,演出成本预算,展览成本预算
cost estimation估价
cost free免费
cost incurred account实际费用账户
cost index number成本指数
cost,insurance and freight到岸价格
cost insurance freight (CIF)成本加保险费和运费价格,到岸价格
cost item成本项目
cost journal成本日记账
cost leadership strategy成本领先战略
cost ledger成本分类账
cost management成本管理
cost method成本法cost objective成本目标cost of administration行政开支
cost of borrowing借款费用
cost of capital资金成本,资本费用
cost of carry持权成本,持有成本,置存成本
cost of control控制成本
cost of credit信贷费用
cost of debt举债成本
cost of education教育成本
cost of exchange汇费
cost of exchange and interest汇兑费用及利息支出
cost of fixed capital固定资本价值
cost of freight运费
cost of goods sold(COGS)产品销售成本
cost of imports进口费用
cost of investment投资成本
cost of living生活费,生活费用
cost of living allowance生活费津贴
cost of living change生活费用变动
cost of living index生活费用指数
cost of living indexation工资指数化
cost-of-living supplement生活津贴
cost of maintaining a household家庭生计维持费
cost of maintenance维持费
cost of marketing营销成本cost of merchandise sold商品销售成本
cost of ownership购置成本
cost of printing印刷费
cost of relief救济费
cost of replacement重置成本法
cost of reproduction less depreciation重置成本减折旧
cost of resales转卖成本
cost of sales销售成本
cost of sales account销售成本账
cost of service劳务费
cost of superintendence监理费
cost of theory理论的代价
cost of upkeep维修费
cost of utilization耗用成本
cost-oriented pricing成本导向定价法
cost outlay items成本支出项目
cost per unit单位成本
cost per unit product单位产品成本
cost performance性价比
cost planning成本策划
cost plus成本加价
cost plus pricing成本加利润计价法
cost price成本价格
cost principle成本原则
cost records成本登记
cost-recovery basis收回成本方式
cost reductions降低成本产品
cost sharing成本分摊
cost standard成本标准
cost statistics成本统计
cost transfer费用划拨
cost under certainty 确定 的成本
cost s after the cause(event)诉讼结束后付给胜诉方的费用
costs and benefits of marketing functions营销职能的成本和效益
costs in criminal case刑事案件诉讼费用
costs in the cause诉讼进行中的费用
costs incurred in the proceedings诉讼程序中所支出的各项费用
costs of appeal上诉费用
costs of competitors竞争者成本
costs of distribution分销成本
costs of litigant in person诉讼当事人亲自支付的诉讼费用
costs per pounds costsand damages讼费和损害赔偿费
start-up costs启动成本—数量关系—效益分析
costing and accounting support 成本及会计方面的辅助工作
costing n.成本会计(pl.)预算,概算
costless adj.无成本的
costly adj. 昂贵的,代价高的
costliness n.costs n.诉讼费,审理辩护费用





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