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单词 ballast
释义 ballast /'baelast; 'baehst/ n [U] 1 heavy material (eg rock, iron, sand) loaded into a ship to keep it steady. (船中所装用以保持平衡之) 压舱物 (如石、铁、 砂) 。 in carrying ~ only. 仅装压舱物的。 2 sand or other material carried in a balloon, to be thrown out to make the balloon go higher. 压载物 (轻气球所携,于欲使气球升得更高时可以抛弃之砂或其他物质) 。 3 (fig) mental stability, (nfe) 心理之稳定。 4 gravel, crushed rock, etc used to make a foundation for a road, esp a railway. (铺路基,尤指铺铁道道床,所用的) 碎石。 vt [VP6A] supply with ~. 供应击舱物、压载物或碎石。




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