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commissionn. 1.instruction,charge指示,指令。 △Tw.1.5.250(231):“Have you any commission from your lord to negoti-ate with my face?”你的主人可曾派你来跟我的脸办什么交涉吗? 2. order,mandate命令,训令。 △Ham.5.2.17: “Myfears forgetting manners,to unseal/Their grandcommission;”我的疑虑使我忘记了礼节,大胆拆开他们带的那道国书。 △Ham.5.2.31:“I sat me down,/Devised anew commission,wrote it fair.”我坐下来,另外造了一封国书,写得很端整。 △R.Ⅲ.1.4.90:“Let him see ourcommission,and talk no more.”让他看看我们接到的命令,别再多说。 △H.VIII. 2.2.6(5):“a man of my LordCardinal’s,by commission and main power,took ’emfrom me,”红衣主教手下的一位人员,既用命令又用强力,将马匹夺去。 king’s commission: royal warrant国王旨谕。 △2H.VI.2.4.75(74):“and,Master Sheriff,/ Let not her pen-ance exceed the King’s commission.”司法官先生,请不要让她的忏悔超过国王的旨谕。 3. act of entrusting,charge委派,责任。 in commission:entrusted with an office,in office, charged with a duty受委任,担任官职,负有责任。 △Mac.1.4.1:“Is execution done on Cawdor? Are not / Those in commission yet returned?” i.e. Have notthose entrusted with the office of seeing the executioncarried out yet returned?考道的死刑执行了吗? 派去监刑的人还没有回来? △2H.IV.3.2.97(87):“No,Sir John,itis my cousin Silence,in commission with me.”不,约翰爵士,这是我的表弟赛伦斯,跟我一同担任法官。 4. representative authority代表权。 △Lr.5.3.64(63):“He led our powers,/ Bore the commission of myplace and person,”他率领着我的军队,又承担着我的权位和本人的委托。 △2H.IV.4.1.162(160):“Hath the PrinceJohn a full commission,”约翰王子可有充分的权威…。 5. written warrant,warrant of commission授权证,委任状。 △Ham.3.3.3:“I your commission will forthwithdispatch,”我马上就给你们发下委任状。 △Oth.1.3.283(281): “And he shall our commission bring to you,”派他把委任状送给你。 △H.VIII.5.3.141(5.2.176): “Didmy commission /Bid ye so far forget yourselves?”难道我的委任状叫你们如此忘乎所以吗? △ H.VIII.3.2.233(232): “Stay!/ Where’s your commission,lords?Words cannot carry/Authority so weighty.”且慢! 各位大人,你们有授权证书吗? 空口说话,不能传达这样重要的命令。 △H.VIII.2.4.1: “Whilst our commission fromRome is read,/Let silence be commanded.”宣读罗马方面发给我们的委任状时,下令叫大家肃静。 6. mandate,writ of authority (for collecting taxes)训令,(收税的)法令。 △H.VIII.1.2. 20:“there have beencommissions/Sent down among ’em,”征税的法令接二连三地颁发到他们当中。 △H.VIII.1.2.56:“The subject’sgrief/Comes through commissions,which compelsfrom each/ The sixth part of his substance,to belevied /Without delay;”臣民们的苦难来自征税法令,强迫每个人交出自己财产的六分之一,立即征收,不得迟延。 7. body of persons charged with a specific office(负有特定职责的)委员会,使团。 △Lr. 3. 6. 41(38):“You are o’the commission,”i.e. You are appointed one of thejudges.你也是陪审官之一。 △Oth. 4.2.225(220): “Sir,there is especial commission come from Venice to de-pute Cassio in Othello’s place.”先生,威尼斯派了特使前来,叫凯西奥代替奥瑟罗的职位。 △H.VIII.3.2. 321(320):“you sent a large commission/To Gregory de Cassa-do,”你派遣一个全权的代表团去见葛雷高利·德·卡萨多。 8. authority,warrant权威,根据。 △Oth.2.1.29: “infull commission”,i.e. with complete authority.赋有全权。 △Rom.4.1.64: “Which the commission of thyyears and art/ Could to no issue of true honourbring.”凭你的年纪和本领的权威还不能光荣解决的问题。 △As.4.1.143(138): “I might ask you for your com-mission,”i.e. I might first ask you what authority youhave for taking me for wife,seeing that there is noone to give me away.我本来可以先问问你凭着什么来娶我为妻(因为并没有家长为我主婚)。 commission[kəˈmiʃən]v. 授权,委托,委任,编入现役,开始服役,投产,交付使用 n.委托(任),手续费,代理费,佣金,经纪费,酬金,委员会,专员,授衔令,犯罪,银行手续费,代办(权),犯(规),监察委员会 ◇ be paid by commission 收回扣 in commission 现役,可以使用 on commission 被授权 out of commission 退出现役,损坏,不能使用 ‖ commission account 酬劳费账目,佣金账户 Commission Against Corruption Investigator廉政调查员 Commission Against Corruption Officer 廉政主任 commission agency 佣金代理行,代理商,代办人 commission agent 佣金代理人 commission broker 经纪人 commission business 经纪业,委托贸易 commission charge 手续费 commission charge for insured parcel 保价包裹手续费 commission charged by bank 银行手续费 commission charges 手续费,佣金 commission collection 托收佣金 commission contract 贸易代理合同 commission day 大审开审日 commission earned 佣金收入 cornmission fees 代理费,佣金 commission for acceptance 承兑佣金 commission for collecting bills 代收票据佣金 commission for collection 托收佣金 commission for compilation of the laws and regulations 法规汇编委员会 Commission for Economic Relations with Foreign Countries 对外经济联络委员会 commission for economic restructuring 体改委 commission for government bond business 代理公债佣金 commission for inspecting discipline 纪委 commission for racial equality 种族平等委员会 commission house 经纪商行,代办行,经纪行 commission income 佣金收入 commission insurance佣金保险 commission man 经纪人 commission merchant (salesman)代理商 commission note 佣金单 commission of a crime犯罪 commission of appraisement and sale海事诉讼中评价与出售委员会 commission of assize 巡回审判法官的委任 Commission of Atmospheric Sciences (CAS)大气科学委员会 commission of authority 授权书 commission of conciliation 调解委员会 commission of control 管制委员会 commission of enquiry 调查委员会 commission of inquiry 调查委员会 commission of jurists 法律工作者委员会 commission of legal affairs法制委员会 Commission of Legislative Affairs 法制工作委员会 commission of lunacy精神病的鉴定 commission of offence 犯罪行为 commission of refereeing and judging裁判委员会 commission of review 复审委员会 commission of survey 鉴定费 commission of tort 犯侵权罪 commission on civil defense 民防委员会 commission on consignee 委托销售佣金 commission on current account 往来账户管理费 commission on guarantee 有担保的委托 Commission on Human Rights 人权委员会 Commission on Human Rights 人权委员会 Commission on Money and Credit 货币信用委员会 commission on remittance 汇款佣金 commission on universal education 普及教育委员会 Commission on Youth 青年事务委员会 commission paid on foreign exchange 外汇佣金支出 commission payable 应付手续费 commission percentages 佣金 commission principal 委托人 commission rate 佣金率commission rebate 佣金回扣,回佣 commission receivable account 应收手续费账户 commission received 已收手续费 commission received on foreign exchange 外汇佣金收入 commission received on letters of credit信用证手续费收入 commission revenue 佣金收入 commission sale 代销,委托销售 commission shop 寄售商店 commission to examine witness 审问证人委托书 commission to serve as notary public 充当公证人的委任状 commission to take deposition 录取证言委托书 commission trade 经纪贸易,委托贸易 commission transaction 给佣交易 commissioned adj. 受委托的,受任命的 commissioned agent 代销商 commissioned judge 授权的法官 commissioned officers mess 军官餐厅 commissioned research 委托研究 commissioned ship 现役军舰 commissioner n. 局长,专员,委员 Commissioner for Oaths 监誓官 commissioner for oaths 宣誓公证人,监誓人 commissioner of custom 关税委员 commissioner of customs海关税务人员,海关税务司 commissioner of education 教育委员会主任 Commissioner of Insurance 保险业监理专员 Commissioner of State 国务委员 Commissioner of the Independent Commission Against Corruption 廉政专员 commissioner to take affidavits 录取证供的官员 commissioners of audit审计官 Commissioners of the Treasury 财政特派员 Commission for Social Development社会开发委员会 commissioning expenditures 酬劳金支出 Commission on Decolonisation (Committee of 24)非殖民化委员会(24国委员会)/ Commission on Human Rights 人权委员会 Commission on International Development (CID)国际开发委员会 Commission on Maritime Meteorology (CMM)海洋研究气象委员会 Commission on Narcotic Drugs 麻醉药委员会 Commission on Strategic Development 策略发展委员会 Commission on the Limits of the Continental Shelf大陆架界限委员会 Commission on the Status of Women 妇女地位委员会 joint commission 联合委员会 mixed commission混合委员会 out-of-commission runway 废弃的跑道 high commissioner 高级专员 High Commissioner for Refugees 难民事务高级专员 |