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单词 任重道远

任重道远rèn zhòng dào yuǎn

the burden is heavy and the road is long—shoulder heavy responsibil ities
❍ 士不可以不弘毅,任重而道远。(《论语·泰伯》)The officer may not be without breadth of mind and vigorous endurance. His burden is heavy and his course is long.
❍ 救国,建国,我想“~”这四个字,加在中国青年的身上是非常恰当的。(《周恩来选集》上—89)They have to build the nation as well as save it,and I think the saying “The task is heavy and the road long” is very appropriate when applied to Chinese youth.


the burden is heavy (or the task is arduous) and the road ahead is long —shoulder (or take up) heavy responsibilities in years to come
热点问题的和平解决~。The peaceful settlement of hot spot issues will be a long-term endeavor (or require prolonged efforts)./实现持久和平与共同发展~。There is still a long way to go in the pursuit of durable peace and common development.

任重道远rèn zhònɡ dào yuǎn

原指负担沉重,路程遥远。现多用以比喻担负的责任重大。shoulder heavy responsibilities, The task is heavy and the way ahead is long. the burden is heavy and the road is long





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