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单词 cold


n. coldness冷。
△H.Ⅷ.4.2.97:“How pale shelooks./And of an earthy cold!”她的脸色好苍白,而且像泥土一样冷冰冰的!
catch cold:find oneself out in the cold,become cold,i.e.succumb to the ill favour,be the worse for it挨冻,受凉,(转义)不利,倒霉。
△Lr.1.4.112(100):“and(=if) thou canst not smile as the wind sits,thou ’lt catchcold shortly.”如果你不会顺风转舵,你很快就要倒霉。


1.deprived of heat冷的。
cold purse:i.e.empty purse冷钱袋,(即)空钱袋。
△1H.Ⅳ.2.4.360(323):“Hot livers and cold purses.”i.e.Drunkenness and poverty.(The liver,as the seat ofpassions,could be fired with wine.)肝火旺,钱袋冷.
2. chill冷飕飕的。
cold death: cold sword冰冷的剑。
△Rom.3.1.167(161):“with one hand beats/Cold death aside.”一只手挡开了对方冰冷的剑锋。
△3H.Ⅵ.3.2.133:“A cold premedita-tion for my purpose!”这对于我的图谋是一种多么冷冰冰的前景!
4.❶cool (like a shadow)(像影子一样)凉爽的。
❷。wanting in ardour,i.e. cowardly缺乏热忱的,(指)胆小的。
△2H.Ⅳ.3.2.136(123):“he’s like to be a coldsoldier.”只怕他是个冷冷淡淡的兵。
5. chilling,discouraging. disagreeable,unwelcome令人寒心的,令人泄气的,不合心意的,不受欢迎的。
△2H.Ⅵ.1.1.238(237):“Cold news for me,for I had hope ofFrance/Even as I have of fertile England’s soil.”这对我可是个冷冰冰的消息,因为我对于法兰西、正如我对于肥沃的英格兰土地一样,也抱着拥有的期望。
△2H.Ⅵ.3.1.86:“Coldnews,Lord Somerset; but God’s will be done!”令人寒心的消息,萨默塞特大人;但是上帝的意旨是不可违抗的!
△R.Ⅲ.4.4.533(532):“That the Earl of RichmondIs with a mighty power landed at Milford/Is coldertidings,”里十满伯爵率领一支大军已在米尔福登陆,这是个令人不快的消息。
6. cool,deliberate,dispassionate冷静的,审慎的,不动感情的。
△1H.Ⅳ.1.3.1:“My blood hath been too coldand temperate,”我的脾气太冷静、太温和了。
△2H.Ⅳ.5.2.98:“After this cold considerance,sentence me,”经过这样的冷静考虑之后,再对我判决吧。
7. gloomy,unfavourable暗淡的,不利的。
coldest expectation: gloomiest expectation,most un-favourable anticipation最暗淡的前途,最不利的预期。
△2H.Ⅳ.5.2.30:“Though no man be assured whatgrace to find,/ You stand in coldest expectation.”虽然谁也说不准能从新国王那里得到什么样的恩宠,你的前途是最暗淡无疑了。
8. weak,faint微弱的,不明显的。
cold scent: (hunting term) weak or faint scent inhunting,difficult trail,false trail(打猎用语)微弱的(猎物)臭迹,难以分辨的(猎物)踪迹,弄错的(猎物)踪迹。
△Tw.2.5.136(121):“He is now at a cold scent.” theplace where the scent disappears.(As a dog followsan animal by its scent until he loses it,so Malvoliotries to make out the meaning of the letters.)他现在可弄糊涂了。
9.lacking in zeal,wanting passion,insensible,phleg-matic缺少热心的,缺乏热情的,麻木的,冷漠的。
△2H.Ⅵ.3.1.224:“Henry my lord is cold in great affairs,/Toofull of foolish pity:”我的夫君亨利在大事情上总是冷冷淡淡,太富于愚蠢的怜悯心。
△R.Ⅲ.1.3.311(310):“I was toohot to do somebody good/That is too cold in think-ing of it now.”i.e.I was too zealous in helpingEdward to the throne,who is now too ungrateful tothink of it. 我过去太热心于帮一个人的大忙,而他现在竟忘恩 负义,对这回事连想也不去想了。
△R.Ⅲ.4.4.485(484):“Cold friends to me!What do they in the north,/When they should serve their sovereign in the west?”冰冷麻木的伙伴! 他们本该到西边为他们的君王效命,却待在北方干什么?
10. passionless,listless,cowardly没热情的,无精打采的,懦怯的。
△3H.Ⅵ.1.1.183:“Farewell,faint-heartedand degenerate king,/In whose cold blood no sparkof honour bides.”再见了,懦弱而不争气的国王,在你那冷冰冰的血液里连一星荣誉的火花也没有了。
11.devoid of sensual heat,temperate缺乏色欲冲动的,有节制的。
△Mac.4.3.70:“You may/Convey yourpleasures in a spacious plenty.And yet seem cold.”你尽可以私下里大大亨受丰富的欢乐,而仍做出一本正经的样子。
12. chaste,modest 贞洁的,端庄的。
△Ham.4.7.172(171):“But our cold maids do dead men’s fingers callthem.”但那些正派的姑娘把它们叫做“死人指”。
13. vain,unwelcome徒劳无益的,不受欢迎的。
△Gent.4.4.188(181):“I hope my master’s suit will be butcold.”我希望我的男主人的求婚将是无效的。
14. dead死了,完了。
△Mer.2.7.73:“Fare you well.your suit is cold.”再见,你的求婚成了泡影!




adj.冷,寒冷的,寒心的,冷淡(漠)的,无情的 n. 寒冷,感冒 adv.完全,绝对
◇ catch cold=take cold 感冒
get the cold shoulder=give the cold shoulder to 冷落… /have a cold 感冒
have cold feet 沮丧,胆怯
in cold blood 残忍地,故意地
in the cold 受怠慢,被忽视
make one’s blood run cold 令人胆颤心惊
throw cold water on 向…泼
‖ cold blood 故意,故意杀人
cold-blooded murder 残忍的谋杀
cold colour 青冷色
cold dew 寒露
cold rooster posture 寒鸡步
cold-shoulder 嫌弃
cold shoulder order 冷淡对待令
cold show 不经试演就在百老汇公演的节目
cold treatment 冷处理
cold war冷战
cold war diplomacy 冷战外交
cold-war law 冷战法
cold warrior 冷战分子
cold weather training 耐寒训练
cold wet clothing 防寒服
cold-blooded adj. 残忍的
cold-hearted adj. 无情的,冷酷的
coldish adj. 稍冷的
coldly adv. 冷淡地
coldness n.寒冷,冷淡 cold-storage n. 冷轧,冷冻,冷藏
cold-work n. 冷加工,冷作





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