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单词 chide


(pa. t. chid; pa.p. chid or chidden) vt.
1.rebuke,blame 训斥,责备。
△2H.IV.4.4.37:“Chidehim for faults,and do it reverently,”指责他的过失,要用恭敬的态度。
△H.V.1.2. 308: “We’ll chide this Dau-phin at his father’s door.”我们要在法国太子的父亲门前把他教训一番。
△Mac.3.1.57 (56):“ He chid thesisters”,i.e. He rebuked the weird sisters. 他斥责那些女巫。
chide away: drive away斥退,驱逐。
△Rom.4.1.73:“Then is it likely thou wilt undertake/ A thing likedeath to chide away this shame,”那么你也许愿意采取 一种和死差不多的办法,来斥退这种羞辱。
2. rudely order,compel by chiding粗暴地命令,责令。
△2H.IV.4.5.61 (62):“Find him,my Lord of War-wick,chide him hither.”找到他,沃里克勋爵,责令他回来。
△3H.VI.2.5.16:“For Margaret my queen,and Clif-ford too,/ Have chid me from the battle,”因为我的王后玛格利特,还有克利福,都严令我离开战场。
3. roar against,thunder upon 向…吼叫,向…怒喝。
△1H.IV.3.1.44 (43): “clipt in with the sea/Thatchides the banks of England,Scotland,Wales,”被这冲击着英格兰、苏格兰、威尔士海岸的大海怒涛所环绕。
4. punish惩罚。
△Rom. 2.6.1:“So smile the heavensupon this holy act,/ That after-hours with sorrowchide us not!” i.e. May the heavens bless this mar-riage,so that the future does not punish us with mis-fortune. 愿上天祝福这次神圣的婚礼,日后不会降下烦恼来责罚我们。
△Rom.3.2.95:“O,what a beast was Ito chide at him!”啊,我方才那样骂他,真是畜生!
△Rom.3.3.161 (162): “and bid my sweet prepare to chide.”并且告诉她预备着如何骂我。
△Oth.2.1.105:“Marry,be-fore your ladyship,I grant,/ She puts her tongue alittle in her heart,/ And chides with thinking.”i.e.scolds only in thought. 不错,在夫人面前,我承认,她稍稍把舌头缩回到心里,暗暗在心里骂人。
△Oth.3.3.301:“Donot you chide;I have a thing for you.”你不要骂人;我有一件东西给你。
△Ado.4.1.130(128): “Chid I for thatat frugal nature’s frame?” 自然界的安排如此吝啬(按:指对生育子女的安排),我会责怪吗?
2. rail,brawl叫骂,吵架。
△Shr.1.2.96(95):“thoughshe chide as loud/As thunder when the clouds in autumn crack.”纵然她叫骂起来像是秋云乍裂时的雷鸣一般震耳。
3. quarrel争吵。
△Mid.2.1.145: “We shall chidedown-right,if I longer stay.”要是我再逗留下去,眼看又要吵一架。
△Oth.4.2.166: “The business of the statedoes him offence,/ And he does chide with you.”国家大事使他烦恼,他就跟你争吵。


n. 申斥,斥责,责骂





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