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单词 cast


1.throw of the dice,venture,hazard骰子的一掷,冒险行动,冒险。
△1H.Ⅳ.4.1.45:“Were it good/To set theexact wealth of all our states/All at one cast ?”把我们所有的全部财富都孤注一掷,难道就算是好吗?
△R.Ⅲ.5.4.9:“Slave! I have set my life upon a cast ,”奴才,我已经拿我这条命孤注一掷。
2. casting铸造。
△Ham.1.1.73:“And why such dailycast of brazen cannon,”为什么这样天天铸造铜炮。
3. tinge of colour色彩,色调。
△Ham.3.1.85 (84):“the pale cast of thought,”i.e. the pallor of melancholy. 忧郁的苍白色调。


(pa.t.& pa.p. cast ) vt.
1.cast off,discard,throw away 丢弃,抛弃,扔掉。
△H.Ⅷ.1.3.48:“Your colt’s tooth is not cast yet?”你的小马驹牙齿还没有丢掉吗?
△H.Ⅷ.3.1.168(169):“A noble spirit/As yours was put into you,evercasts/Such doubts,as false coin,from it.”你所拥有的这样高贵的精神,总要抛弃那些猜疑,就像抛弃假币一样。
2.❶throw off,throw to the ground甩掉,把…摔倒。
△Mac.2.3.47(40):“Yet I made ashift to cast him.”但我还是想法子把它摔倒(双关:呕吐出来)了。
3. drive away,exclude赶走,排斥在外。
△1H.Ⅵ.5.4.144:“I’ll rather keep/That which I have than,coveting for more,/Be cast from possibility of all.”我宁愿保持我现有的领土,也不愿由于贪多而失去恢复全国领土的可能性。
4. discharge,dismiss免…的职,遣散。
△Oth.1.1.148(147): “for I do know the state,/ However this maygall him with some check. /Cannot with safety casthim;”我知道政府的态度,这件事虽然可以招致非难,给他带来一些烦恼,却不会轻易把他免职。
△Oth.2.3.14:“Our gener-al cast us thus early for the love of his Desdemona;” 我们的将军这样早就支开了我们,是为了爱苔丝狄蒙娜的缘故。
△Oth.2.3.275(272):“You are but now cast in hismood,”你只是因他一时盛怒才被免职。
△Oth.5.2.325(326):“whereon it came/That I was cast;”因此我被撤了职。
5. reckon,compute计算。
△2H.Ⅵ.4.2.96(85):“Theclerk of Chartham. He can write and read,and cast accompt.”查赞姆村的文书。他能写能读,还会算账。
6.add up and check,verify核算,核实。
△2H.Ⅳ.5.1.21(20):“Let it be cast and paid.”算清楚,付了就是。
7.calculate,scheme 算计,策划。
△Ham.2.1.115(112):“To cast beyond ourselves in our opinions,”i.e.To be over-calculating; to go too far in scheming.算计得过分。
8. forecast,estimate预测,估计。
△2H.Ⅳ.1.1.166:“You cast the event of war,”你估计过战争的结果。
9. examine in order to find out disease(为找出病源而)查验。
△Mac. 5. 3. 50:“If thou couldst,doctor,cast/The water of my land,find her disease,”医生,你倘能为我的国家查验一下小便,找出病源。
10. bestow,confer给与,授与。
△Tw. 2.5.78(69):“my fortunes,having cast me on your niece,give methis prerogative of speech——”我的命运既然把我给与了你的侄女,我便有权利说。
△Gent. 1.2.25:“wouldst thouhave me cast my love on him?”你愿意让我把爱情用在他的身上吗?
Phrases & Expressions:
cast away: ❶throw away,throw aside,waste,lavish抛弃,丢弃,浪费,滥用。
△Tw.1.5.184(172): “I wouldbe loath to cast away my speech;”我很不愿白白浪费我的言词。
△Ham. 4. 5.197 (198): “And we cast awaymoan.”i.e. We waste our moans. 我们不必再呻吟。
△2H.VI.1.3.204 (201):“Therefore.I beseech your not cast awayan honest man for a villain’s accusation.”所以,我请求陛下不要因为一个坏蛋的控告而毁灭一个好人。
cast away (pa.p.):❶wreck (船)失事,覆灭。
△Mer.3.1.108 (100): “Hath an argosy cast away,comingfrom Tripolis.”有一艘大船从的黎波里开来,在半途上失事了。
❷thrown away,deceived and abandoned被抛弃,被欺骗和遗弃。
△As.4.1.195 (185): “ Tis but one castaway,”i.e. only one girl deceived and abandoned. 我不过又是一个被遗弃的人罢了。
cast by: throw aside抛在一边。
△Rom.1.1.98(92):“And made Verona’s ancient citizens/Cast by theirgrave beseeming ornaments / To wield old partisans,in hands as old,”使得维洛那的年老居民们不能不脱下适合他们尊严的装束,用衰老的手拿起古旧的矛枪。
cast down (p. a. ): distressed抑郁的。
△Lr.5.3.5:“For thee,oppressed King,I am cast down,”为了你,遭难的父王,我心情抑郁。
cast on no water: referring to a popular old song ——“Scotland’s burning,Scotland’s burning./See yonder! See yonder! / Fire,fire! Fire,fire! / Cast onmore water.”暗用一首古老的流行小调:“苏格兰在燃烧,苏格兰在燃烧,/看哪! 看哪! / 火,火! 火,火! / 多泼水,多泼水。”
△Shr.4.1.20 (19): “and therefore,fire,fire: caston no water.”所以,生火,生火;别泼水。cast the water: examine the urine查验小便。
△Mac.5.3.50:“If thou couldst,doctor,cast / The water ofmy land,find her disease.” (Macbeth speaks as ifScotland were a sick man,and the doctor could,byexamining its urine,find its disease and cure it.)医生,你倘能为我的国家查验一下小便,找出病源。
cast up: ❶vomit out呕吐出。
△2H.IV.1.3.95:“Thou,beastly feeder,art so full of him,/ That thouprovokest thyself to cast him up.”你们,狼吞虎咽的人,对他腻了,现在又想把他呕吐出来。
❷a. vomit out呕吐出。b. give up,reject抛弃,拒绝。
△H.V.3.2.57(52):“Their villainy goes against my weak stomach,andtherefore I must cast it up.”他们的卑鄙行为不合我的胃口,所以我得把它吐出来(双关:抛弃)。


p. a.cast off,discarded丢弃的,抛弃的。
△As.3.4.15: “He hath bought a pair of cast lips of Diana.”i.e. Orlando has bought a pair of old secondhand lipsfrom Diana,the goddess of chastity.他买来了一对狄安娜所遗弃了的嘴唇。(按:这是Celia开玩笑的说法——因此他的接吻才那样圣洁。)


v.投,掷,抛,投射,投票,驳回上诉,计算,解雇,淘汰,安排,分类,脱落,铸造,计算,占卜,思考 n. 演员表,演员阵容,投影,色调,铸造,铸件,陶铸,浇注,模子,版,射程,管形,圆柱
◇ be cast in a lawsuit 败诉
be cast in damages被判决赔偿损失
cast about=cast aroud=cast round 想方设法,计划
cast aside 清除,抛除,废除,抛弃,唾弃
cast back 回想,追溯
cast beyond the moon 想入非非
cast down 推翻,毁灭,使沮丧
cast light on 映射,映照
cast off 抛弃
cast off poverty and setout on a road to prosperity 脱贫致富
cast on披上
cast oneself on (upon)依赖
cast out 驱逐
cast opposing votes 投反对票
cast the blame on a person 嫁祸于人
cast the gauntlet 挑战,邀请某人参加比赛
cast up 计算,相加,说…来作为责备的理由
‖ a man of noble cast 人品高尚的人
cast accounts 算账
cast bronze sculpture 铸铜雕塑
cast copper 铸铜
cast interest 加算利息
cast of mind 精神特征
cast of thought 思想倾向
cast rotate 高杠大摆接低杠后回环
cast shadow 投影
cast-stoop through 屈体摆越
cast-stoop vault 屈体腾越
cast the balance 算出差额
cast the total 结算
cast to backward swing 弧形上接后摆
cast wax 卸蜡法
casting against type 反类型选派角色
casting defect 铸件缺陷
casting director 负责挑选演员的人
casting error 计算错误
casting of draperies 对人物等线条的处理
casting technique 铸造工艺
casting vote 决定票,主席决定性一票
casting voter 决定性投票人
castable adj. 可铸的
castability n. 可铸性
castaway n. 遇难者,流浪者
caster n. 铸工
cast-in adj. 铸人的
cast-iron shot 铁铅球
cast-off adj. 无用的
cast-on n. 铸造,浇补
off-cast n. 不受脚本约束自由扮演一个角色





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