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单词 劣迹昭著

劣迹昭著劣迹昭彰liè jī zhāo zhù

notorious;one’s bad behavior is well known
❍ 根据革命加生产即能解决吃饭问题的真理,中共中央已命令全国各地的共产党组织和人民解放军,对于国民党的旧工作人员,只要有一技之长而不是反动有据或~的分子,一概予以维持,不要裁减。(《毛泽东选集》1401) Basing itself on the truth that revolution plus production can solve the problem of feeding the population,the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China has issued orders to Party organizations and the People’s Liberation Army throughout the country not to dismiss but to retain all former Kuomintang personnel,provided they can make themselves useful and are not confirmed reactionaries or notorious scoundrels.

劣迹昭著liè jì zhāo zhù

劣:恶劣;迹:行为。著:显著、明显。恶劣的行为非常明显。one’s bad behavior is well known, notorious, One’s misdeeds are very evident to all.





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