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单词 capacity


1. power of containing,capaciousness包容力,容量。
△Tw.1.1.10: “notwithstanding thy capacity/Re-ceiveth as the sea,” i.e. although your capacity takesin as much as the sea itself.虽然你有海一样大的容量。
2. power of receiving接受力。
△H.VIII.2.3.31: “thecapacity / Of your soft cheveril conscience”,你那柔软而有弹性的良心的接受能力。
3. ability,intelligence 能力,智力。
△Tw.2.5.131(117):“this is evident to any formal capacity,”这对于任何有正常智力的人来说都是很明显的。
△Tw.3.4. 207(186):“of good capacity and breeding;”有才智有教养。
△L.L.L.4.2.44:“God comfort thy capacity!”上帝安慰你的智力(无知)!
△L.L.L.5.2.377 (376): “Yourcapacity/Is of that nature that to your huge store/Wise things seem foolish,and rich things but poor.”你的才气就是那样的广大无边,所以聪明的东西显得愚蠢,富有的东西显得寒酸。
4. understanding,judgment理解,判断。
△Mid.5.1.105: “to my capacity”,i.e. in my opinion,as I under-stand things,在我看来,据我看。
5. (blunder for) capable(错用为形容词)能,可以。
△Wiv.1.1.222 (215):“if you be capacity of it.”如果你能听懂我的话。
cap-a-pe: from head to foot从头到脚。
△Ham.1.2.200:“Armed at point exactly,cap-a-pe,”从头到脚十足地全身披挂。


n. 容积,容量,容纳观众人数,能量,才能,能力,接受力,资格,权利
◇ at full capacity 全力以赴
beyond the capacity of 远远超过…的负荷
have a capacity of 在…有可能,能容纳… /in the capacity of 以…的资格
to capacity 最大限度地
‖ capacity as a subject of law 法律主体资格
capacity cost 足量成本
capacity crowd 满座
capacity factor 开工率
capacity fill 额外生产
capacity for duties 责任能力
capacity for legal transactions 法律行为能力
capacity for private rights 民事权利能力
capacity for public rights 公权能力
capacity for responsibility 责任能力
capacity for responsibility of juristic person 法人的责任能力
capacity for rights 权利能力
capacity for rights of the natural person 自然人的权利能力
capacity for rights of thing 物权能力
capacity investment 生产能力投资
capacity legal adviser 法律顾问的资格
capacity of acceptance 承兑能力
capacity of competition 竞争能力 capacity of creation 创造能力
capacity of discernment 识别能力
capacity of having private obligations 承担民事义务的能力
capacity of having private right 享受私权的能力
capacity of legacy 受遗赠能力
capacity of magazine 弹匣容弹量
capacity of management 管理能力
capacity of market 市场容量
capacity of marriage 结婚资格
capacity of party 当事人资格
capacity of self-government 自治能力
capacity of testator to devise 遗赠资格
capacity of will 自主能力
capacity operating rate 设备利用率
capacity production 生产能力
capacity test 车手能力测试
capacity to action 诉讼资格
capacity to be a party 当事人资格
capacity to bear loss 承担损失的能力
capacity to bid 投标能力
capacity to borrow 借款能力
capacity to conclude treaties 缔约能力
capacity to contract 订约能力
capacity to earn foreign exchange 创汇能力
capacity to earn foreign exchange through exports 出口创汇能力
capacity to earn profits 赢利能力
capacity to enjoy rights and assuming obligations 享受权利和承担义务的能力
capacity to enter into legal transactions 法律行为能力
capacity to hold office 担任职务的资格
capacity to make will 立遗嘱的资格
capacity to pay 支付能力
capacity to pay debt 清偿能力
capacity to submit to arbitration 提请仲裁的能力(资格)capacity to sue and defend 起诉和辩护的能力
load-bearing capacity 承受能力
payment capacity 偿还能力
producing capacity 生产能力
to capacity 最大限度地





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