capn. i.e.cardinal’s red hat帽子,(特指)红衣主教的红帽子。 △1H.Ⅵ.5.1.32: “If once he come to be acardinal,/He’ll make his cap co-equal with thecrown.”如果他一旦成为红衣主教,他就要使他的帽子与王冠地位相同。 cap and knee: cap in hand and bended knee (in tokenof allegiance),i.e.obsequiously脱帽屈膝(表示效忠),顺从地。 △1H.Ⅳ.4.3.68:“The more and less came inwith cap and knee,”人们不分高低贵贱都纷纷前来向他脱帽屈膝。
capvt. match,outdo,answer with a better敌得过,胜过,(用更好的来)回敬。 △H.V.3.7.129(114):“I will capthat proverb with ‘There is flattery in friendship.’”我也回敬你一句俗话:“友谊当中总有捧场。” cap(1)[kæp]n. 扮演角色达到高峰,最高限价 ‖ capping n. 压顶,压盖,设定上限 caprock n.冠岩 capstone n. 顶石,顶点
cap(2)[kæp]n. 交,求交运算
cap(3)[kæp]n. 军帽,火帽,游泳帽,便帽,套,罩,柱头,雷管 v. 给…戴帽,脱帽向…致敬,覆盖 ◇ cap in hand 恭敬地,谦虚地 cap the climax出乎意料 fuddle one’s cap 酩酊,泥醉(if) the cap fits 言之有据,恰当 |