释义 |
Caesar:1. Julius Caesar,famous Romangeneral and ruler ( 100-44 B.C.); i.e. emperor,conqueror凯撒;(转指)皇帝,征服者。 △R.III.4.4.337 (336): “And she shallbe sole victress,Caesar’s Cae-sar.”她就将成为世上惟一的胜利者,凯撒的凯撒。 2. i.e. Octavius Caesar凯撒,(指)屋大维·凯撒,凯撒大将的侄孙。 △Mac.3.1.55(54): “and un-der him/My genius is rebuked,as it is said/Mark Antony’s was by Caesar.” (According to Plutarch,MarkAntony’s guardian spirit was afraid of OctaviusCaesar’s.)在他底下我的星宿受到压抑,就像人家说马克·安东尼的星宿被凯撒压住一样。 3.i.e. absolute ruler,emperor 凯撒,(比喻)专制统治者,皇帝。 △3H.VI.3.1.18:“No bending knee will callthee Caesar now.”现在没有人来屈膝称你为凯撒。 Caesar and his fortune: North’s translation ofPlutarch’s“Lives of Greek and Roman Heroes” re-lates how Julius Caesar,encountering a storm when hewas on board of a ship across the Adriatic,encour-aged the timorous captain,saying,“Fear not,for thouhast Caesar and his fortune with thee.”凯撒和他的好运(凯撒坐船渡海遇到风暴时鼓励船长的话)。 △1H.VI.1.2.138:“Now am I like that proud insulting ship/WhichCaesar and his fortune bare(= bore) at once.”现在我就像是古时那艘目空一切的大船,它载着凯撒和他的好运。 
Julius Caesar |