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单词 胆战心惊

胆战心惊心惊胆战dǎn zhàn xīn jīng

be all of a jump; be deeply alarmed; be filled with apprehension;be frightened; be panic-stricken; be terrified; be terror stricken; be thrown into a panic;blood curdling; funky; have the jitters; in a panic;in constant dread; in trepidation; lose one’s nerve completely;one’s courage leaves one; one’s heart beats with fear; one’s heart sinks; palpitate (/quack)with fear; panicky; shake (/shiver) in one’s boots;tremble with fear (/fright); tremble and quaver
❍ 其实呢,现在的人们大可以不必看古书,即使古书里真有好东西,也可以用白话来译出的,用不着那么心惊胆战。(鲁迅《三闲集·无声的中国》8) The fact is,we of this generation had much better not read the classics.There is no need to be alarmed—if the classics really contain anything of value,they can be translated into the vernacular.
❍ 曹仁~,不敢交锋,望襄阳斜路而走。(《三国演义》635) Cao Ren was powerless from fear,and,fighting being impossible,he turned off in a diagonal direction for Xiangyang./“是,是,局长!”匪兵敬着礼,~地朝后退。(罗广斌、杨益言《红岩》272)“Yes sir,yes sir!”said the militiaman,saluting and shrinking back fearfully.
❍ 让敌人不论是夜里,日里,都~,惧怕我们的攻击。(吴强《红日》67) We must have the enemy on their toes all night and all day as well,in fear and trembling of being attacked by us.
❍ 但他明白此事关系重大,说不定会招惹后祸。他~地回答:……(姚雪垠《李自成》Ⅱ—693) He knew,however,that this was a serious step which might have grave consequences,and so he answered in some trepi dation:…/伪军们吓得~,心里想:“好厉害的家伙!”一个个都爬在房上不敢动。(袁静《新儿女英雄传》168)“That fellow is tough! ”thought the puppets. Their courage left them,and they flattened their bellies to the roof,not daring to move.
❍ 三藏见说,又~,不敢举步。(《西游记》 175) When Tripitaka heard this,his heart hammered and his gal l quivered,and he became rooted to the ground.
❍ 曹真正奔走,忽然喊声大震,一彪军杀到。真~,视之乃司马懿也。懿大战。(《三国演义》865) As Cao fled there arouse a great shouting,and up came a troop at full speed. Cao thought all was lost,and his heart sank,but it was Sima,who drove off the pursuers.





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