释义 |
Burgundy:1.i.e.Duke of Burgundy (1396—1467) of France,who,with the murder of his father in 1419,becamethe enemy of the Dauphin and the ally of the English(法国)勃艮第公爵,因其父被杀,从1420年后成为英国人的盟友。 △1H.Ⅵ.2.1.7.s.d.: “Enter Talbot,Bedford,andBurgundy and Soldiers,with scaling-ladders.”塔尔博特、贝德福与勃艮第公爵率众兵士带云梯上。 Duchess of Burgundy:i.e.Isabel. wife of Philip.Duke of Burgundy,and a granddaughter of John ofGaunt勃艮第公爵夫人,(指)伊莎贝尔,(法国)勃艮第公爵菲利浦的妻子,约翰·刚特的孙女。 △3H.Ⅵ.2.1.145:“Andfor your brother,he was lately sent,/From yourkind aunt. Duchess of Burgundy,/With aid of sol-diers to this needful war.”至于你的兄弟,他在最近被你姑母勃艮第公爵夫人派遣,带着援兵前来接应这场紧急的战争。 2.i.e.the Netherlands,then part of the dominions ofthe Duke of Burgundy,France勃艮第,(指)尼德兰(过去法国勃艮第公爵的领地一部分)。 △R.Ⅲ.1.4.9:“Me-thought that I had broken from the Tower/And wasembarked to cross to Burgundy,”我觉得我仿佛从伦敦塔里逃出去,上船渡海到勃艮第。 |