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单词 native


1.produced by nature,natural 出自本性的,天生的。
△ Oth.2.1.218 (215):“as they say base men being inlove have then a nobility in their natures more than is native to them.”人家说,小人物一旦爱上女人也会发生一种他本性所无的高贵气概。
△2H.IV.4.1.36:“if damnedcommotion so appeared / In his true,native,andmost proper shape.”如果该死的叛乱这样以它那真实的、出自本性的以及切合身份的面貌出现。
2. inward,innate,genuine,real内在的,固有的,真实的,真正的。
△H.V.1.2.16: “opening titles miscreate,whose right / Suits not in native colours with the truth;”提出什么不合法的名分,而那种要求在实质上与真理并不符合。
△Oth. 1.1.62:“The native act and figure ofmy heart",我内心的真实动机和意图。
3. original原来的。
△Rom.3.2.102:“Back,foolishtears,back to your native spring (i.e. eyes),”回去吧,愚蠢的眼泪,流回到你原来的泉源里去。
4. born in the place生在本地的。
△H.V.3.5.26: “Poorwe may call them (i.e. our fields) in their nativelords!”i.e. We should call these fields poor in regardto the French lords who are their poor spirited mas-ters.我们只好说我们的田野可怜,因为生在它们这块土地上的主人太不争气了!
5. at home. in one's own country 国内的,本国的
△H.V.4.1.177(166): “Now,if these men have defeated the law and outrun native punishment.”现在,如果这些人骗过了法律,逃脱了国内的惩罚。
△H.V.4.3.95:“A many of our bodies shall no doubt / Find nativegraves;”i.e.A great number of us will,without anydoubt,die in our own country and be buried there. 我们当中有很多人都会毫无疑问地生还故土,在本国安葬。
6. by right of birth,hereditary,legitimate,rightful生来应有的,世袭的,合法的,正当的。
△H.V.2.4.95: “thenative and true challenger.”(他才是)合法世袭的真正继承人。
7. hereditary,inborn遗传的,生来的。
△H.V.2.4.62:“This is a stem / Of that victorious stock; and let us fear / The native mightiness and fate of him.”这个人就是那个胜利的根干所派生出来的后裔;让我们对他那祖传的强横和命定的成就还是有所戒惧才好。
8. closely connected or related亲密联系的。
△ Ham.1.2.47:“The head is not more native to the heart,”像头和心一样亲密联系着。
native blood: natural colour天然的颜色,本来的脸色
△L.L.L.4.3.263(259):“For native blood is countedpainting now;”本来面目如今反被认为是化妆。
native hue: natural colour,natural complexion本色
△Ham.3.1.84 (83): “the native hue of resolution”.(Resolution is sanguine and its complexion red.) 决断(又译:敢作敢为)的本色。(按:血性的本色指红色。)
native right: claim to the crown to which one wasborn生而具有的(对于王位的)权利。
△3H.VI.3.3.190:“Did I put Henry from (i.e. away from) his nativeright?”我是不是剥夺了亨利生而具有的王位权利?


ad. naturally,by nature天生地。
△L.L.L.1.2.112 (106):“Which native she doth owe.”那是她天生就有的。


◇go native接受当地人的风俗习惯
native to原产于某地
native speaker生来就说某种语言的人
‖ native African非洲本地人
native bank地方银行,钱庄
Native Baptists土著浸礼会
native behaviour先天性行为
native characteristic天赋特征
native custom土著风俗
native disease地方病
native drama乡土戏剧
native endowment先天禀赋
native home (place)原籍
native immunity天然免疫
native industry地方工业
native knowledge乡土知识
native place原籍
native population土著居民
native produce土产,土特产品,出生地的
native products土特产品
native reactions先天反应
native reserve土著保留地
native superiority天生优越性
native tongue母语,天赋论
native town老家
native trait天赋特质
native trait先天特性
native troops当地部队
native-born adj. 土生土长的
nativism n.本土主义
nativism n. 先天论,先天说
nativist n. 本土主义者,先天论者
nativistic culture本土文化
nativistic theory天赋学说





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