释义 |
bucklevt. 1. fasten with a buckle用搭扣把…扣住。 △2H.Ⅵ.1.2.159(138):“He that buckles himself in my belt cannotlive in less.”(Falstaff speaks of infamy as if it were amaterial in which he clothed himself.)只要是用搭扣把我这样的皮带扣住自己腰身的人,都不能不这样过日子。 △R.Ⅲ.3.7.226 (228):“Since you will buckl e fortune on myback,/ To bear her burden whe’er I will or no,”既然你硬要把命运扣在我的身上,不管我愿不愿意都得负起她这个重担。 2. confine or limit (as if fastened with a buckle)(像用扣子扣住那样)限制,限定。 △Mac.5.2.15:“He cannotbuckle his distempered cause/Within the belt ofrule.”他无法用自我克制的腰带来约束他那患病浮肿的身体。 buckle in: include,enclose,limit 包括,包围,限定。 △As.3.2.140(131):“That the stretching of a span/Buckles in his sum of age;”只要伸出一只手掌那么宽,就可把握了人的一生。 3. contend,join in close fight搏斗,进行肉搏战。 buckle with: join in close fight with,encounter,tackle与…进行肉搏战,与…交战,对付。 △1H.Ⅵ.4.4.3:“All our general force /Might with a sally of the verytown / Be buckled with.”i.e.be tackled by the mereFrench garrison sallying forth from Bordeaux. 只要城里的守军一冲出来,就足以抵御我们的全部兵力。 ~ vi. 1.join in close fight,grapple,combat进行交手战,格斗,搏斗。 △1H.Ⅵ. 1.2.95: “In single combat thou shaltbuckle with me,”你可以跟我单独进行格斗。 △1H.Ⅵ.5.3.27: “My ancient incantations are too weak,/ Andhell too strong for me to buckle with.”我以前的符咒太软弱无力了,地狱的力量太强大,我打不过它。 2. bend,bow弯曲,屈服。 △2H.Ⅳ.1.1.141:“buckleunder life,”在生存重担之下压得弯腰屈身。 buckle[ˈbʌkl]n. 带扣,扣子 v. 扣住 ◇ buckle down to sth.认真地做某事,专心干…buckle into sth. with 用…将…扣在…上 buckle to 努力做… ‖ buckled adj. 有扣的 buckled shoe 带扣鞋 buckler n. 防水罩 v. 防护 buckling n. 油画表面起泡 |