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brown. 1.forehead前额,额头。 △Tw.5.1.252(242):“My fa-ther had a mole upon his brow.”我的父亲额角上有一颗黑痣。 △L.L.L.4.1.120(117):“she strikes at thebrow.”i.e.She aims at your head.她惯会迎头痛击 △Rom.1.1.236 (230):“fair ladies’ brows.”美人的娇额。 △R.Ⅲ.1.1.5: “Now are our brows bound withvictorious wreaths.”现在我们的头上戴着胜利的花冠。 2. eyebrow 眉毛。 △Mac.4.3.208: “What,man,ne’er pull your hat upon your brows;/Give sorrowwords.”怎么,人啊,别拉下帽子盖上你的眼,用言语把悲哀吐露出来吧。 3. aspect,appearance,countenance样子,面貌,面部表情。 △As.4.3.9 (8): “but as I guess/By the sternbrow and waspish action”,但是我从她那严厉的神色和暴躁的举动看来。 △L.L.L.4.1.17:“Where fair is not,praise cannot mend the brow.”既然不美的人,再称赞也不能使她脸蛋儿好看。 △Mid. 5. 1.11:“a brow of Egypt”,i.e.a swarthy gipsy’s face. 吉普赛人的黑脸。(旧时误认为吉普赛人起源于埃及。) △Ado.1.1.191 (183): “with asad brow”,带着一本正经的样子。 △1H.Ⅳ.4.3.83:“This seeming brow of justice.” 这种好似公正的外貌。 △2H.Ⅳ.2.1.125(111):“a confident brow,”自信的脸色;若无其事的表情。 △H.Ⅷ.Prol.1:“things nowThat bear a weighty and a serious brow,”一些又重要又严肃的事情。 4.forehead,i. e. crown,height,top 额头,(转指)头顶,顶点,最高度。 △2H.Ⅵ.5.3.4:“like a gallant in thebrow of youth,”像一位风华正茂的勇士。 brow of the sea;edge of the sea,cliff-edge海边,崖边。 △Oth. 2.1.53:“The town is empty: on the brow o’the sea / Stand ranks of people,and they cry.‘Asail!’”城里万人空巷了;各色人等都站在海滨,他们喊着:“一条船!” brow of woe: woeful brow,mournful forehead,sad appearance悲伤的眉头,哀痛的前额,悲戚的外貌。 △Ham.1.2.3:“and our whole kingdom/To be contracted inone brow of woe,”全国上下,应该愁眉不展,共结成一片哀容。 brow[brau]n. 眉毛,表情,容貌 ◇ an angry brow 怒容 mopping ofbrow 愁眉苦脸 |