Ⅰ [书] ❶ (丰盛; 丰富) abundant; rich
❷ (深厚) eager; ardent: 期望甚 ~ cherish high hopes
❸ (殷勤) hospitable: 招待甚 ~ offer cordial hospitality
❹ (盛大) grand; magnificent
❺ (众多) numerous; many Ⅱ ❶ (朝代) the Yin Dynasty, the later period of the Shang (商) Dynasty
❷ (姓氏) a surname: ~ 秀 Yin Xiu
另见 see also yān; yǐn。
◆殷富 wealth; rich; 殷钢 {冶} invar; 殷鉴 [书] setback which serves as a warning to others; 殷切 ardent; eager; 殷勤 eagerly attentive; hospitable; solicitous; 殷实 well-off; substantial; 殷墟 Yin Dynasty ruins; 殷忧 great worry
[书] (形容雷声) rumbling: ~ 其雷 thunder is rumbling
另见 see also yān; yīn。