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单词 bring


1. lead. conduct 带领,引导。
△Tw.3.2.93 (84):“Come. bring us. bring us where he is. ”来,带领我们,带领我们到他那里去。
△Ham.2.2.37: “And bring thesegentlemen where Hamlet is.”带领这两位先生到哈姆雷特那里。
△Lr.3.2.78: “True,boy. Come. bring us tothis hovel.”说得对,孩子。来,带我们到草棚去。
2. take带去。
△Oth.1.2.94:“Bring him away;”把他带走。
△L.L.L.5.2.881 (873): “No,madam,we will bring you on your way.”不,公主,我们要送你一程。
△Gent.1.1.55: “thither will I bringthee,”我要送你到那里去。
△H.V.2.3.1: “Prithee,honey-sweet husband. let me bring thee to Staines ”心爱的好丈夫呀,请你让我送你送到斯坦斯吧。
△Oth.3.4. 196(197):“I pray youbring me on the way a little,”我请你陪伴我走一段路。
△Ado.3.2.3: “I’ll bring you thither,my lord,ifyou’ll vouchsafe me.”我陪你去,殿下,如果你准许我。
△1H.IV.4.3.110:“And in the morn-ing early shall mine uncle / Bring him our purposes.”明天一早我的叔父就会把我们的意图传达给他。
6. derive取得。
△1H.VI.2.5.76: “whereas he (i.e.Henry IV) / From John of Gaunt doth bring hispedigree,/ Being but fourth of that heroic line.”(Henry IV was son of John of Gaunt,fourth son ofEdward III.)而他却是出身于这一英雄家系的老四约翰·刚特。
7. put使得。
△As.3.2.264(248): “thou bring’st meout of tune.”你缠得我唱走了调。
Phrases &Expressions:
bring about: complete完成。
△3H.VI.2.5.26:“Howmany(i.e. minutes) makes the hour full complete,How many hours brings about the day。”多少分钟积成为一整个小时,多少小时才能完成一天。
bring action on: ❶attack攻击,打击。
❷bring legal ac-tion against对…采取法律手段。
△Shr.3.2.237 (234):“I’ll bring mine action on the proudest he”,哪怕是最不得了的人,我也要控告他。
bring away: lead out带走。
△Oth.5.2.336(337):“Come,bring away.”来,把他带走。
bring forth: ❶bear (as a mother) (作为母亲)生育,养。
△Mac.1.7.72:“Bring forth men-children only!”(愿你)只生男孩子吧。
❷give birth to生出,产生。
1.4. 35:“My ashes,as the Phoenix,may bring forth/Abird that will revenge upon you all;” (bird: young bird,i.e. son.)我就像凤鸟一样,从我的骨灰中会生出一只幼鸟,它要对你们大家进行报复。
△R.III.2.2.67:“I am notbarren to bring forth complaints.”我自己并不是不能生出无限哀伤。
❸set in public view向公众展示。
△H.V.1 Prol. 10: “On this unworthy scaffold to bring forth /So great an object.”在这个破戏台上搬演如此伟大的景观。
△Mac.3.4.125(124): “By maggot pies and choughs and rooks brought forth/The secret’st man of blood.”借助于喜鹊,乌鸦和白嘴鸦揭示出隐藏得最严密的杀人犯。
bring in: ❶(customer’s order to the waiter) bring in the wine!(顾客的命令)拿(酒)来!
△1H.IV.1.2.40 (35): got with swearing ‘Lay by,’and spent with crying‘Bring in’:得来时吆喝一声“交出来”,花掉时喊叫一声“端过来”。
❷bring into court把…带到法庭。brought in to his answer: brought into the court for the purpose of an- swering the charge,put on trial被带到法庭接受指控,受到审判。
△2H.IV.2.1.34 (30):“since my exion is en- tered and my case so openly known to the world,let him be brought in to his answer.”既然我的状子已经告上了,我这件案子大家也都知道了,那就该把他送到法庭受审才是。
❸establish in one’s position,reinstate,restore to favour安排职位,恢复原职,使重新受到宠信。
△Oth.3.1.52(49): “To take the safest occasion by the front / To bring you in again.”抓着一个稳妥的机会就给你恢复原职。
△Oth.3.3.73: “to have so much to do/To bring him in!”叫他回来复职竟然如此麻烦!
bring off: deliver,rescue 解救,挽救。
△H.VIII.3.2.219 (218):“yet I know/A way,if it take right,in spite of fortune/Will bring me off again.”不过我知道还有一个办法,如果它能成功,尽管我运气不好,仍然可以把我解救出来。
bring on: cause to come,bring out促使发生,引起。
△1H.IV.1.3.275:“And only stays but to behold the face / Of that occasion that shall bring it on.”不过只等机会来到,就发动此事。
bring on foot: begin 开始,着手。
△H.V.1.2.310:“That this fair action may on foot be brought. ”好把这一场正义的事业向前推动。
bring out: ❶put out,perplex,bewilder,confuse使为难,使迷惑,使狼狈,使困窘。
△L.L.L.5.2.173: “that brings me out.”使我说不下去了。
△As.3.2.267 (251):“You bring me out. ”你把我缠得不知如何才好。
△1H.IV.3.1.47 (46): “And bring him out that is but woman’s son/Can (i.e. who can) trace me in the tedious ways of art,”凡是妇人的儿子,请举出一个人来,看他可能够追随我研究魔法的种种艰深奥秘。
❸ make known,put before the public公布。
△Lr.5.3.164(163): “What you have charged me with,that have I done,/And more,much more,the time will bring it out. ”你们所指责我的一切,我都干过,而且不止这些,还要多得多,时间都会暴露出来的。
bring up: ❶cause to advance near带过来。
△Lr.4.6.92 (91):“Bring up the brown bills.”将长戟队带上前来。
❷move,make to come调动,使前来。
△2H.IV.2.3.12: “When your own Percy,when my heart’s dear Harry,/ Threw many a northward look to see his father/ Bring up his powers;”(Percy,Harry: Harry Percy,Hotspur.)那时候你自己的波西,我心爱的哈利,曾经多次抬头北望,盼着他的父亲带兵前来。
bringing up: ❶upbringing,breeding教养。
❷being brought before the authorities and up the gallows拿到官府,再带上绞架。
△1H.IV.2.4.553 (496):“If I become
not a cart as well as another man,a plague on mybringing up!”(Falstaff insists that he is not a “natural coward”,and so can play the part of the condemned prisoner on his way to execution as bravely as any man.)要是我坐在刑车上不像任何别人那样神气,就让我的教养遭瘟去吧! (按:双关,


v. 产生,促使,导致,引起,提出,提起诉讼,停下
◇bring a charge against sb.控告某人
bring a pressure to bear on 对…施加压力
bring a suit against sb.控告某人
bring about 引起,造成,产生,完成,促进,带动
bring an action against sb.对…提起诉讼
bring around =bring round 苏醒,使说服
bring back 带(拿)回,使记起
bring down 打倒,击落,降低,打伤(死)/bring down on oneself 招致
bring down the gallery 获得全场喝彩
bring down the house 博得全场观众的喝彩
bring forward 提出,把…提起,显示
bring honour to one’s ancestors 光宗耀祖
bring in a finding for sb.作出对某人有利的裁决
bring in a finding of non liquet 法院作出拒绝受理的裁决
bring in 引起,带来,收入,生息
bring in an accusation against sb.对某人起诉
bring into 使碰到… /bring into effect 使生效
bring into force 使生效,实施
bring off 完成,救出
bring on 引起,导致,使成长,使进步,与观众见面
bring out 使(花)开放,生产,发表,使出现,上演
bring over 说服
bring sb.before the court 提审某人
bring sb. in guilty宣判某人有罪
bring sb. to book 谴责某人
bring sb. to justice 将某人绳之以法
bring light 揭发某人
bring sb. to trial 审问某人
bring through 挽救…,治愈
bring under 镇压,压制,使就范
bring up 教养,提出,按时呈阅,呕吐
bring up for trial 经过审讯
bring up sb.before the court 传某人到庭
bring up the rear 殿后
bring within 把…纳入
◇ bring about a great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation 实现中华民族伟大复兴
bring about self-substained growth in 良性循环
bring a case before the court 将案件提交法院审理
bring a case to book 破案
bring a case to court 起诉,告状
bring a dispute before a court 把案件争论提交法院
bring-and-buy 义卖
bring an indictment 提起公诉
bring disaster 闯祸
bring disgrace on 玷辱
bring down an account 账户结清
bring forward 账目结转下页
bring in a verdict 宣判
bring in for landing 引导飞机进场着陆
bring inward向里扣
bring out the theme 点题
bring the barbell up to the chest 提铃至胸
bring the majority of money-losing firms into the black使大多数亏损企业扭亏为盈
bring the public service into disrepute 使公务人员的声誉受损
bring the trailing leg through 提起跨腿过栏
bring the trailing leg up 向上提起跨腿
bring to justice 归案
bring to trial 审判
bring under permanent control 根治
bring up cross-century specialists 培养跨世纪人才
bring up from the ground to the shoulders 提铃至肩
bring up sons to support parents in their old age 养儿防老
bringing along the old and the young 扶老携幼
brought forward 承前
brought forward account 前期结转账目
brought over 结转
bringing of successive actions 连续起诉
bringing-up n. 培养,培育,提出,呕吐





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