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单词 confuse
confuse/kən′fju:z/ vt [-s / ɪz/;-d,-d /d/;-eing / ɪ ŋ/]

(1)使……糊涂(迷惑)(make sb unable to think or understand clearly;puzzle;mislead)[T+n,通常pass]:~sb by (asking a lot of)questions/with conflicting advice问(一大堆)问题/用相互矛盾的建议把某人搞糊涂了;The road signs~d the driver.那些路标把司机搞糊涂了。be~d by complicated circumstances被复杂的环境搞糊涂了;The purpose of camouflage is to~the enemy.伪装的目的是迷惑敌人。〖同〗puzzle;

(2)打(弄)乱(put sth into disorder)[T+n]:~sb's plans/the papers on the desk打乱某人的计划/把桌上的文件弄乱;~the arrangement by arriving late由于迟到把安排打乱了;

(3)混淆,弄混(mistake sb or sth for another;fail to distinguish between)[T+nT+n+prep(with)]:~Austria with Australia/salt with sugar/a person with his twin brother把奥地利和澳大利亚/盐和糖/一个人和他的孪生兄弟弄混;He must be~ing you with someone else.他一定是把你错当成别的什么人了。~the twins/the two Johns/two different things把孪生子/两个约翰/两个不同的事物混淆了;~the words “principal”and “principle”把principal(校长)和principle(原则)弄混了;〖同〗mistake,mix up;

(4)使混乱(不明)(make sth unclear;muddle)[T+n]:~an issue/an argument使一个问题/辩论复杂化;

→con′fused adj 迷惑的,混乱的;con-′fusedly adv 迷惑地;混乱地;con′fusing adj 令人迷惑的;con′fusingly adv 令人迷惑地;con′fusion n





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