tallyn. wooden stick marked with notches to record ascore (古时)刻痕记账用的木签。 △2H.VI.4.7.37(34):“and whereas,before,our forefathers had no otherbooks but the score and the tally,thou hast causedprinting to be used,”以前,我们的祖先除了刻痕记账和木签之外,并没有什么书,而你却叫人使用印刷术。 tally[ˈtæli]v. 吻合,符合,点数,计算,加标签于 ◇tally down减 tally up结算,总结 ‖ tally book清点簿,理货簿 tally card计数卡片 tally certificate理货证明书 tally charge理货费 tally clerk理货员 tally company理货公司 tally daily report理货日报表 tally fee理货费 tally plan分期付款n .货单,清单 tally sheet理货单 tally shop赊销店 tally trade赊销法 tallyman n. 以分期方式售货的商人,记账,点数,标签,计数器 |