1 bundle 一捆,一束。
△Mid.4.1.38 (33): “a bottle of hay”,一捆干草。
n. 2 wicker basket (Sometimes a cat was suspen-ded in such a container as a target for archers.)柳条筐(过去有时把猫装在柳条筐里,悬挂起来作为射箭的靶子)。
△Ado.1.1.267 (257):“If I do,hang me in a bottlelike a cat,and shoot at me,”如果我改变主意,就把我像一只猫那样挂在筐里,然后向我射箭。
n. 瓶子 v. 装瓶,掩盖,抑制
◇ bottle up 抑制
hit the bottle 酗酒
keep to the bottle 嗜酒
over a bottle 酗酒
‖ bottle golf 儿童高尔夫球戏
bottle up 严密封锁
bottled adj.瓶装的
bottling n. 装瓶,灌注
bottleneck n. 瓶颈 v. 阻塞
bottleneck industry 薄弱环节产业 bottleneck inflation瓶颈式通货膨胀 bottlebrush n. 瓶刷
bottleneck 瓶颈 /“ bottleneck” restrict“瓶颈”制约