释义 |
bondagen. captivity囚虏。 △1H.Ⅵ.5.3.110:“Say,gentle princess,would you not suppose/Your bondage happy,to be made a queen?”i.e. if you were tobe made a queen.说吧,好公主,假如你能成为王后,你会不会认为你做了俘虏倒是幸运呢? Bondage is hoarse: Confinement has a hoarse voice.One in confinement must call softly (as if hoarse). 在拘束中只能哑声叫。 △Rom.2.2.160: “Bondage ishoarse,and may not speak aloud,” i.e.Being underthe control of my parents,I can only whisper.在拘束中我只能哑声叫,不能高声喊。 |