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单词 distil
释义 distil (US = -till) /di'stil; dfstii/ vt, vi (-II-) 1 [VP6A, 15B, 14] ~ sth (from sth); ~ sth off/ out, change (a liquid) to vapour by heating, cool the vapour and collect the drops of liquid that condense from the vapour; purify (a liquid) thus; drive out or off impurities thus; make (whisky, essences) thus: 蒸馏(液体); 用蒸馏法净化 (液体); 用蒸馏法除去不纯之物(与 out 或 off 连用); 用蒸保法制造(威士忌酒,香精等): Salt water can be ~ led and made into drinking water. 咸水可被蒸馏成为饮用的水。 2 [VP6A, 2A] fall, let fall, in drops: 滴下; 使滴下: flowers that ~ nectar. 滴出花蜜的花。 distillation /,distileijn; /distrefan/ n 1 [U] ~ling or being ~led: 蒸傩; 由蒸馏法净化或掣造: the -elation of malted barley (to make whisky). 蒸馏发芽的大麦(以制威士忌酒)。 2 [C, U] substance obtained by ~ling. 蒸馏物。




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