boastvb. brag,make an ostentatious display of some-thing吹牛,夸耀。 boast it so with:lord it over 对…逞威风。 △1H.Ⅵ.3.3.21:“if we could do that,/France were no placefor Henry’s warriors,/Nor should that nation boastit so with us,”(it:superfluous.)如果我们能做到这一点,亨利的军队在法兰西就待不下去了,那个国家也再不能向我们耀武扬威了。 boast(1)[bəust]n. 自夸,值得夸耀的事物 / v.自夸,吹嘘,以拥有…而自豪 ◇ boast of (a bout)自吹自擂 make a boast of自夸,炫耀 ‖ boasting and exaggeration 浮夸作风 boaster n. 自夸者 boastful adj.boastfully adv.
boast(2)[bəust]v.&n. 石头粗雕 ‖ boasted work 刻石工作 boaster n. 刮刀 boasting n. 雕塑用的大凿子 |