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(构词成分): ~ 实 [- shi] ❶ (切实; 不浮躁) dependable; steady and sure; earnest
❷ (安定) free from anxiety; (feel) at ease; having peace of mind
另见 see also tà。
◆踏实 dependable; steady and sure; earnest; 踏实苦干 down-to-earth effort; 踏踏实实 (do things) in a thoroughgoing manner; on a firm footing; in a down- to-earth way

❶ (踩) step on; stamp on; tread: 践 ~ trample upon; tread on; ~ 上人生的道路 tread the path of life; ~ 上故土 step foot on one's native land; 勘探队 ~ 遍了祖国的山山水水。 The prospecting team has traversed the length and breadth of the land. 牛群 ~ 出了一条通往池塘的小径。 The cattle had trodden a path to the pond. 虫被脚 ~ 扁了。 The worm was crushed under the feet.
❷(趿拉; 穿着) wear cloth shoes with the backs turned in
❸(迈步; 跨) step; stride
❹(游赏) enjoy the sights
❺(跟随) follow
❻(实地查勘; 察看) go to the spot (to make an investigation or survey)
❼ [书] (踢) kick
❽ [书] (拖) pull; drag Ⅱ ❶[书] (地毯) carpet; rug
❷ [书] (鞋; 靴) shoes; boots
❸[书] (脚凳) footstool; footrest
❹(姓氏) a surname
另见 see also tā。





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