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单词 early
释义 词性词形谱(ad)early(v)earlierize(n)earliness
early 义务阶段1500 全国卷频次:77
/ˈɜːlɪ/ US /ˈɜːrlɪ/
a.&ad. earlier 15 earliest 3
早的 & 早地


I accepted each new opportunity with the thought, “Well, I’ll try it; if I don’t like it I can always go back to my 【earlier】 position." But I was with the same company for the past 28 years, and I’ve enjoyed every career change I’ve made.我接受了每一个新的机会,心想:"好吧,我试试;如果我不喜欢,我可以随时回到我以前的位置。"但是,在过去的28年里,我一直在同一家公司工作,我很享受我所做的每一次职业转换。(2009年全国II卷完形填空)But she believes students are learning automaticity faster with keyboards than with handwriting: students are learning how to type without looking at the keys at 【earlier】 ages, and to type faster than they could write, granting them extra time to think about word choice or sentence structure.但她认为,学生用键盘学习自动能力比用手写更快:学生在【更早】的年龄就学会了如何打字而不看键盘,而且打字的速度比他们写的快,给了他们额外的时间去思考选词或句子结构。(2019年上海卷完形填空)The 【earliest】 (early) examples are knitted socks!【最早】的例子是编织的袜子!(2020年上海卷语法与词汇A节)It taught me the most valuable lesson over the years of my teaching career, and I’m thankful that it came 【early】 and positively.在我多年的教学生涯中,这给我上了最宝贵的一课,我很感谢它来得早,来得积极。(2014年浙江卷完形填空)“【That】 may be at the end of Year I, which is far too 【early】.”这可能是在一年级结束时,这太【早】了。(2000年上海卷完形填空A篇)Sixteen years 【earlier】 (early), Pahlsson had removed the diamond ring to cook a meal.十六年前,帕尔森为了做饭,把钻戒摘了下来【做饭】。(2017年浙江卷语法词汇填空)The phone rang early on Christmas morning.圣诞节的早晨,电话很早就响了。She read widely and began writing at an early age.她在很小的时候就广泛阅读并开始写作。On one hand, they must get up in the early morning every day to clean the street while we are still in the sweet sleeping dreams.一方面,当我们还沉浸在甜蜜的睡梦中时,他们必须每天清晨起来打扫街道。




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