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单词 elastic
释义 elastic /x'laestik; i'la?stik/ adj 1 having the tendency to go back to the normal or previous size or shape after being pulled or pressed: 有弹性的: ~ bands. 栋皮带; 松紧带。 Rubber is ~. 橡皮是有弹性的。 Sponges are ~. 海绵有弹性。 2 (fig) not firm, fixed or unalterable; able to be adapted: (喻) 非固定或不可改变的; 可以伸缩的: ~ rules; 有伸缩性的规则; an ~ temperament, eg of a person who soon becomes cheerful again after being sad. 开朗的性情 (例如能迅速自悲伤的心情转为愉快) 。 n [U] cord or material made ~、 by weaving rubber into it: 栋皮筋; 松紧带: a piece of ~; 一条松紧带 (橡皮筋); (attrib) (形容用 fe) ~ braces, made of this material. 松紧吊裤带。 ~ity US: i,Ise-; i/laes'tisati/ n [U] the quality of being 弹性; 伸缩性: elasticity of demand, (comm) change in demand because of price changes. (商) 需求的弹性 (因物价波动造成者) 。




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