释义 |
Arthur:i.e.King Arthur,hero of the Arthurian ro-mances亚瑟,(指《亚瑟王传奇》中的主人公)亚瑟王。 △2H.Ⅳ. 2.4.36 (33):“When Arthur first incourt—”(The beginningof the popular ballad,“SirLauncelot du Lake”.)“亚瑟王当初坐朝廷”。 Arthur’s bosom: (blun-der for) Abraham’s bos-om,i.e. heaven 亚瑟王的怀抱,(误作为)亚伯拉罕的怀抱,(即)天堂。 △H.Ⅴ.2.3. 9: “Nay sure,he’s not in hell; he’s in Arthur’s bosom.if ever man went to Arthur’s bosom.” (The Hostessconfuses Arthur and Abraham.) 不,他一定不会在地狱里;他准是在亚瑟的怀抱里,假如真有人能走进亚瑟的怀抱。 Arthur’s show: annual archery display at Mile EndGreen,performed by a company of London archers’each taking the name of one of King Arthur’s knightsof the Round Table. Sir Dagonet was King Arthur’sfool. 亚瑟王赛会:在迈伦德草地一年一度举行的比箭表演,箭手各扮演亚瑟王的一个骑士。达谷奈特是亚瑟王的弄臣。 △2H.Ⅳ.3.2.301 (279): “I remember at Mile EndGreen,when I lay at Clement’s Inn— I was then SirDagonet in Arthur’s show—”我记得在迈伦德草场,那时候我住在克利门特学院——我在亚瑟王比箭赛会上扮演达谷奈特。 
King Arthur’s Knights ofthe Round Table |