applyvt. 1. make use of,ply使用,勤用 。 △ Lr.5.3.299 (298):“What comfort to this great decay may come/ Shallbe applied.”对于这一位遭难的大人物,我们要尽一切可能给以安慰。 △As.2.3.48: “For in my youth I never didapply/ Hot and rebellious liquors in my blood.”因为我在年轻时从来没有把有害的烈酒灌进我的血液里。 2. apply oneself to.study致力于,研究。 △Shr.1.1.18:“Virtue and that part of philosophy/Will I applythat treats of happiness,”我要致力于品德的砥砺以及讲到幸福的那一部分哲学。 ~ vi. given,be specially directed给,奉献,特别对准。 △Mac.3.2.30: “Let your remembranceapply to Banquo,” i.e. Let your consideration be par-ticularly devoted to Banquo. 你一定要对班柯特别关切。 2. agree. suit 适合,符合。 △Wiv.2.2. 252 (238):“Would it apply well to the vehemency of your affec-tion,that I should win what you would enjoy?”你对她爱得这样热烈,却让我去享用,你觉得很合适吗? apply[əˈplai]v.应用,运用,申请,请求 ◇ apply by letter书面申请 apply for请求 apply for acquisition of a nationality申请取得国籍 apply for an entry visa申请入境签证 apply for an exit visa申请出境签证 apply for membership in the United Nations申请加入联合国 apply in person亲自申请 apply one's mind to= apply oneself to专心致志于…/apply pressure on sb.对某人施加压力 apply sb. for help请求某人帮助 apply the law运用法律 ‖ applied[əˈplaid]adj. 应用的,实用的 applied aesthetics应用美学 applied anatomy应用解剖学 applied anthropology应用人类学 applied arts实用美术,工艺美术 applied arts and crafts工艺美术品 applied burden已分摊成本(费用)/applied colour色彩应用 applied decoration工艺装潢 applied design贴花 applied ecology应用生态学 applied economic metrology应用经济计量学 applied economics应用经济学 applied educational study应用教育研究 applied ethics 应用伦理学 applied experimental psychology应用实验心理学 applied faculty evaluation应用能力评估 applied form曲体美 applied linguistics应用语言学 applied logic应用逻辑 applied manufacturing expenses account制造费用分摊账户 applied metrology应用计量学 applied music 应用音乐 applied overhead 已分配间接费用 applied pedagogy应用教育学 applied physical anthropology应用体质人类学 applied physics应用物理学 applied probability应用概率论 applied psychology of learning应用学习心理学 applied psychology应用心理学 applied relief捏雕,捏塑 applied research应用研究 Applied Research Fund应用研究基金 applied science应用科学 applied social psychology应用社会心理学 applied sociology应用社会学 applied statistics应用统计学 applied tariff实际执行关税 applied technologies 适用技术 applying colour着色 |