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单词 七手八脚

七手八脚qī shǒu bā jiǎo

with everybody lending a hand (/trying to help); with a great (/tre mendous) bustle; with a lot of people taking part
❍ 众人一声答应,~,忙把宝玉送入怡红院内自己床上卧好,……(《红楼梦》403)All lent a hand to convey Baoyu to Happy Red Court,where they laid him on his own bed.
❍ 魏强瞅了预先带来的包袱,说了声:“咱准备吧!”大家~地忙起来。(冯志《敌后武工队》410) Wei Qiang eyed the bundle he had brought with him.“Let’s get ready,”he said,and everyone broke into vigorous activity.
❍ 说犹未了,众小厮~一摆了半天,方才停当归坐。(《红楼梦》309) ❶At once his pages bustled about to lay the table,and when all was finally ready the party took their seats.
❷A tremendous bustle ensued,which seemed to go on for quite a long time before everything was finally ready and the diners were able to take their places at the table.
❍ 大家听亭面糊这样一说,就都~地搬柴禾,找稻草,划洋火,一时间,整个亭堂里,烧起了五堆大火。(周立波《山乡巨变》302) At this they all got busy,some moving the wood,some going to get straw,and some getting matches ready. In no time,five fires were blazing in the big hall.
❍ 幸亏王大妈等得不耐烦,气愤愤的跑上前,一把拖开他,才~的盖上了。(《鲁迅选集》上—28) Luckily,Ninth Aunt Wang grew tired of waiting,hurried indignantly forward and pulled him aside. Then they hastily closed it up.
❍ 当时他宣布吃饭,大家一窝蜂冲进了灶屋,~地装饭,端菜,抢着拿碗筷。(周立波《山乡巨变》116—117) Now that he had announced breakfast,the crowd swarmed into the kitchen and jostled each other in their haste to get the rice and the dishes of vegetables,and seize bowls and chopsticks.
❍ 大伙儿~的把它抬上小船。(袁静《新儿女英雄传》81) Piece by piece they loaded the sections of the ship on to the small boats.
❍ 昨天我一到,就涌来一大群人,~地给我收拾屋子。(王汶石《风雪之夜》51) A fine group rushed here right after I arrived. They started tidying up this place with a great bustle.
❍ 吩咐已毕,六老爷去了。这里~整治酒席。(《儒林外史》487) After giving his orders,Sixth Master left,and the others worked with a will to prepare the feast.

七手八脚qī shǒu bā jiǎo

形容人多手杂,也指大家一起动手。hurriedly with seven hands and eight feet, all hitching in





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